1. P

    What maps/ways of mapping for european countries

    We went through the Pyrenees this new year in the 90 and found google maps to have some really quite good tracks on it. It was good to be driving, see the start of a track and then have a look on the map to see where it went. Some were even starting to push my beginner 4x4 driving skills and I...
  2. P

    New to the forum, 200tdi fuel filter into a 2.5na??

    Hey Lisbeth thanks for the welcome
  3. P

    New to the forum, 200tdi fuel filter into a 2.5na??

    Ah ok thanks for replying gemsdad, do you have any search tips to get what I am after? I don't want to start another question if its already been answered...
  4. P

    New to the forum, 200tdi fuel filter into a 2.5na??

    Hi Guys, totally new to this or any forum but I am looking for advice. I got my first land rover 90 just under a year ago and I love it but i have had enough of the fuel filter in the exmod 2.5na and I am trying to fit a 200tdi filter. Has anyone done this before and how did you pipe it? She...