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    Just stolen black defender reg no: BOG 80Y

    What I am trying to say is think outside the box if its common practice to place an alarm in one position in a vehicle place it some where else and keep it to yourself. Example after my daughters house was broken into I discovered that alarm bell box was located in the wrong position I therefore...
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    Security Devices

    I have been reading these posts and my thoughts are there are organisations that test and rate virtually every security product. There are I would say three areas you need to look at first is physically preventing them taking the vehicle second trying to stop them getting away with it and...
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    Just stolen black defender reg no: BOG 80Y

    I would not have had the slightest interest in the dealer and his friends if they had not started parking outside my house to watch me and then tried to blag their way into my home that’s when I took a real interest in who they were and what they were about. Seeing all the chat about...
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    My introduction

    New to this but will see what I can do
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    Locating magazines

    I believe the articles were published around November 2011 once again any help would be appreciated.
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    My introduction

    Hello My name is George and I am from Bradford. I come from a family of Land Rover lovers. I think I was perhaps 7 or 8 when my dad arrived home with a Land Rover soft top my brother and myself spent the rest of the day climbing all over it. What is it about Land Rovers and kids? I...
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    Just stolen black defender reg no: BOG 80Y

    Having had a vehicle stolen myself I can fully understand how you feel right now. I recovered my vehicle within one hour of reporting the burglary but it wasn’t insured and unfortunately the damaged done, because the thief couldn’t drive, whilst taking the vehicle meant I had to scrape it. I...
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    Locating magazines

    I would like to thank those who posted more positive messages I will try following the advice given. But just to be clear my request was without hidden agenda.
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    Locating magazines

    I am sorry if I have caused offence but I have never used a website like this before I do not quite understand why I have received so many negative comments I could not find any help topics on how to proceed having joined the site I followed what I thought was the correct procedure to ask what I...
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    Locating magazines

    A while back I bought 2 land rover magazines which contained 2 halves of an article on buying restoring and re-registering classic Series land rovers unfortunately someone threw these magazines away. Can anyone help me please with the following information so I might locate replacement copies...