1. Z

    Abusive Sellers.

    Because this guy had everything in one place biggeee. And he was closer too if there was anything wrong. Don't you ask places if that is their best deal?
  2. Z

    Abusive Sellers.

    I do understand but a simple yes or no would gave sufficed instead of giving attitude.
  3. Z

    Abusive Sellers.

    I asked if he could get closer to the other price and he proceeded to slag them off which always puts people off as it seems they have to make themselves look better by putting other people down. I understand that not all people can match lower costs, however I did not deserve that torrent of abuse.
  4. Z

    Abusive Sellers.

    I wasn't abusive and never did I swear in my replies.
  5. Z

    Abusive Sellers.

    Oh don't worry he was reported as soon as he posted the message. I had thanked him for his comments and said that because of his attitude I would go elsewhere as he was quite rude and was making comments about other sellers.
  6. Z

    Abusive Sellers.

    Hello All, Whilst I am not one to normally broadcast things like this, I am afraid that I feel most strongly on this. I asked a few questions o n eBay of a seller about a product (the digital tv and reversing camera) and asked if he could match or get closer to another price. He was quite...
  7. Z

    Range Rover Vogue '04

    Hi Difflock66, Well you say that but after 3 weeks I had to have the gearbox rebuilt, but the garage paid for that one. lol. Cheers,
  8. Z

    Range Rover Vogue '04

    Hi all, Just thought I would say hi as I am a brand new forum member and have recently bought my first Range Rover. I hope to answer a few questions from the forum as I have a few niggles with The Beast. I love it so far though, but just a little issues including: Sat Nav ULF...
  9. Z

    2002-2005 Sat Nav Upgrade

    Hi All, This is my first question on the forum, so please forgive me. I have a '04 Range Rover Vogue and love the thing so far apart from a few niggles. Sorry for breaking in on the thread, but would like some advice please? When I got the car the Sat Nav (Mk3) didn't work and had to get it...