1. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    In places the country side was more open Windy Junction is the intersection of Gary H/Way and the Talawana Track. Love the “Visitor Jars” The desert never ceases to amaze and once again, in the middle of nowhere, Lake Cohen Quick detour to Mulgan...
  2. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    You are more than welcome to use it :) The fuel cooler had a protector but I am thinking of a plate to protect the line which might alos keep the spinifex out which became a major issue on a later trip. Watch this space :)
  3. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    Yep..I have had a few close ones over the years but that certainly had me punching star shapes in the seat cushion. Whilst I had all the gear to fix it had it puntured the line, and a protector over the fuel cooler it was not something that I had seen before so it went into the "firsts" list...
  4. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    Yep they do but I was referring to communities taking the initiative. That company is a white fellas business :)
  5. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    Having been into a lot of remote communities where there is virtually zero employment, and also seen how many feral camels there are, it staggers me as to why they don't create an industry catching them, even if it was for pet food. As it is they cull them from helicopters, so why not catch...
  6. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    The 4th leg of my second trip last year took in the Gary H/way and a section of the old Gunbarrel H/way, both Len Beadell gems which have not seen a grader blade since they were cut in the 60’s. The Gary H/way starts at Gary Junction. Just off well 33 of the Canning Stock Route...
  7. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    Georgia Bore is just off the Canning Stock Route and an absolute oasis in the desert with water, some shade and a sit down dunny…how good is that!! The well was left behind by an Oil Exploration company who had set up camp here for 12 months in 1990. The Talawana follows a...
  8. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    rain isn't too much of a problem where I go let alone snow .... but I use a fire stick just incase because when it does rain in the desert..... At least I feel better than I am not getting soft , just keeping up with technology:)
  9. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    and to think that I thought you northern hemisphere blokes knew about matches and zippo's...:)..or am I getting soft??? :)
  10. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    The 3rd leg of the trip was the Talawana Track which is another of Len Beadell’s tracks in the Pilbara region of NW Western Australia. I started at the Newman end with the 1st half of the track being a well graded road as it provides access to the Cotton Creek aboriginal community. The...
  11. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    They are a bit on the tough side! At first I thought it might have lived but then realised that the eyes were too far apart :)
  12. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    I had planned to travel the Kidson Track from Well 33 on the Canning Stock Route to Eighty Mile Beach on the Western Australian coast between Pt Headland and Broome. The advice from the Well 33 end was that part of the track had been graded for a new mining venture and was apparently closed at...
  13. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    UHF is virtually universal here with truckers, 4WD'ers and the remote stations (cattle property's bigger than some european countries :) ) all using UHF. We get excellent range..not HF of course but with satellite phones so cheap now, why would you bother with HF?? I sopke to someone recently...
  14. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    Are us "colonials" allowed to enter? :)
  15. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    hahahah...yes it is a UHF radio ariel. It has a spring loaded base and I also turned up an extension for it so it doubles as a height "feeler Gauge" so I know if the roof rack is going to clear branches etc. Cheers
  16. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    Len had a bit of trouble on this trip when the tucker wagon had tipped over and caught fire. It was also home to a substansial water tank and legend has it that by the time Len and the others realised what had happened and driven back, the water in the tank was boiling. As the contents of truck...
  17. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    mate it is a pretty special part of the world that is for sure. Once you get over the border into the north west of WA it is really starting to get remote and I'll cover that in the next post. Cheers
  18. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    With the truck packed and ready it was a 3 day, 2,500 kms drive from Brisbane to Alice Springs from where I would actually start the trip. From Alice I was taking the Tanami Track and then heading out Kintore Rd so it is always reassuring having travelled so far, to find that the road is...
  19. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    Got most of structural part of the portable winch organised today.. Got a start on the electrics but still got a big day ahead of me tomorrow to be ready to leave am Monday! Finished off the portable winch today. Didn't have time to run the cable from the...
  20. nuggetstuff

    nugget's 110 Defender Build

    Yep..that is what happens! Specifically for that reason I run a tyre pressure monitoring system. Sidewalls are pretty soft these days and when driving on dirt/corrugated roads it is often hard to tell when you have a flat and when you realise it is generally too late. The problem then is...