1. O

    What to Buy? Range Rover for Under £5000

    I had a long wheelbase Land Rover 35 years ago and vowed to never have one again. OK as a truck for local work but awful to drive long distance. The RR does the towing and 4 wheel stuff with comfort. I have had three over the years. A two door with vinyl seats and droopy doors,a Vogue and the...
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    What to Buy? Range Rover for Under £5000

    So I guess there are a lot of problem cars out there?
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    What to Buy? Range Rover for Under £5000

    The L322 is a model I have in mind. I don't want something too complicated,just diesel with a towbar in fair condition. To be honest a lot of the later models look like urban chelsea tractors. In an ideal world £3k is a figure I have in mind. Seen quite a few go through auctions at that price...
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    What to Buy? Range Rover for Under £5000

    After many years service I sold my P38 for scrap last year. What can I get for £5k or under and where to look? (or not look) Auction ,Ebay or Auto Trader?
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    P38 diesel radiator problem

    Given all the hassle of trying to fix it and my age plus the fact the mot ran out this week I am tempted to take the £250 a local guy has offered. It seems a shame to scrap it with four really good tyres and the airpump just replaced but I doubt I will get anymore than that on ebay. Thanks for...
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    P38 diesel radiator problem

    The big problem with changing it as I see is that there are two oil cooler pipes from the gearbox that go in the bottom. I imagine opening those dumps the oil?
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    P38 diesel radiator problem

    After a decades good service and as it has reached the age of 20 with 225'000 on the clock I think it is time for the scrapyard. Been offered £250. Sadly I replaced the suspension air pump a month ago. The tank blew because I left it idling to charge the battery and the fan belt snapped. It has...
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    P38 diesel radiator problem

    I managed to blow the top of the radiator on my P38 and wondered if I could just change the plastic casing. It appears to be held on with a series of aluminium lips which look like they can be bent back. Is it possible to just change the plastic top of the radiator? I can get a cheap radiator...
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    P38A Electronic Air Suspension locked

    Just an quick update. I ran the the compressor using a jump lead across the relay pins 2 and 5. Left it running like that for around five minutes,switched it off and went and had a cup of tea. Came out to see the back end was quite high but front on the bump stops. After trying every...
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    P38A Electronic Air Suspension locked

    Will do...your contribution much accepted. I have to say a big thank you to all who post advice here. A wonderful forum.
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    P38A Electronic Air Suspension locked

    Can you answer my second question...can I inflate the suspension without clearing the faults if the computer programme refuses to access?
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    P38A Electronic Air Suspension locked

    There was no o ring in the head as removed and when I tried to fix one in the groove the head refused to tighten. The top of the cylinder is machined to fit the groove in the head on older pumps?
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    P38A Electronic Air Suspension locked

    Can I pump up the suspension or are the bladder valves locked Wammers. Have you come across this issue where the rubber circular gasket is not needed?
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    P38A Electronic Air Suspension locked

    Update on my problems. Halfway through mowing the lawn today I had to go in to the garage and saw the piston lying on the bench. Picked up a wood chisel and had the retaining ring of in about 30 seconds. So the two hours of trying to use a flat bladed screwdriver was a waste of time. Hit more...
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    P38A Electronic Air Suspension locked

    Thanks to all of you for your patience. If it is not a stupid question why is the software and cable designed to run on a very old computer? I have updated my profile now to show location.
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    P38A Electronic Air Suspension locked

    Sorry to appear a technical duffer but where will I get a driver?
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    P38A Electronic Air Suspension locked

    Why do they bother to sell this cable on ebay if it will not work with a USB Wammers? Bad enough having to try and sort the air pump out with getting in to high tech computer stuff!
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    P38A Electronic Air Suspension locked

    Here is what my cable looks like. Software only accepts port three whether connected to car or not. The sofware also runs and gives the faults I listed at the start without being connected!. Am I stupid or just missing a trick?
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    P38A Electronic Air Suspension locked

    I have a couple of old laptops but how do I identify what is a serial port. All computer USB sockets look the same :-(
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    P38A Electronic Air Suspension locked

    I am confused by this serial port stuff. Do all laptops have them? I am using a USB adapter to connect to my computer.