1. B

    LPG fitted to 1.8 Freelander

    This site is awesome, a real font of knowledge. Thank you for your responses, reassurance and breakdowns, and yes the taste of gas is b*tch:D On the "lpg v head gasket " consideration, I have a modified head gasket fitted and an engine warranty (2 - 5 years) in place so hopefully not;) On...
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    LPG fitted to 1.8 Freelander

    With petrol and diesel prices out of control fuelling (pardon to pun) fears of pickets and blockades:( , lets talk LPG:) I have a PRINS system with a STAKO tank (takes about 48L, even though the lpg certificate states 60L . .) situated in the load area. It was fitted in 2005 prior to my...
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    Problem when turning wheel (esp. in reverse)

    Update . . Car is with Land Rover at the moment. The bottom line is that they have not yet identified what the actual problem is, stating that they wish to "lubricate gear change mechanism" first . . . I dont know what bearing this could possibly have with the matter at hand in that the problem...
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    Freelander 3 door parcel shelf/ boot load cover

    Holla!!!:cool: Ive got an LPG tank in mine, but enough clearance for the boot cover. I think they look so much neater with the covers on top. How can Land Rover be so cheap when producing these Freelanders to exclude a load cover? These manufacturers never cease to amaze and it is constantly...
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    Problem when turning wheel (esp. in reverse)

    Ok, I've booked the car in with Land Rover on Friday 26th October, so i will update post when I get the feared dreaded news. . . .:eek:
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    Freelander 3 door parcel shelf/ boot load cover

    Thanks for the reply, Andy. I did see the batch you mentioned on Ebay . . they have since increased their price to £205!!! For that price, i will continue to cover my boot contents with a beach towel! I'll just sit and hope that some good folk on this site comes up trumps for me!;)
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    Freelander 3 door parcel shelf/ boot load cover

    Hello :) Anyone out these with a stone/cream coloured 3 door parcel shelf/ boot load cover, in good condition, that they want to sell? I am prepared to pay up to £50 inc P & P. If so, please send me a private message. Thanks I have tried Ebay under various searches but there are none...
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    Problem when turning wheel (esp. in reverse)

    I am grateful for the prompt replies that I have received on this site from 'Boxer,' The Mad Hat Man' and 'Universally Challenged'. Thanks Boxer for breaking down the VCU workings. I am parking the car up until next week when I will visit garage equipped with the knowledge you have shared with...
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    Problem when turning wheel (esp. in reverse)

    Thanks for the replies, I appreciate the input. I will ask garage about 'VCU' and 'drive shaft'. . . I have found out meaning of VCU with google search! Can someone explain what the viscous coupling issue is and whether it affects or could effect any component if i continue driving? Will it be...
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    Problem when turning wheel (esp. in reverse)

    Hi, I have a 2001 Freelander that has recently undergone a new engine at Heathrow Engines :rolleyes: I bought the vehicle days before this knowing that its original engine was knackered so i do not know how it drove originally. It was HPI clear and has no accident damage. However when I put...