1. N

    replacement dif salisbury axle

    just wrote a huge long message and realised i wasn't logged in and lost it when i posted it. anyway, many thanks to teflon for your time and effort, i gonna stick with what i got basically, i like the tdi for its reliability and economy and was sick to death of the old 2.25. i knew the...
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    replacement dif salisbury axle

    thanks teflon for your prompt and lengthy answer. i was told that i could swap the dif inside my salisbury by a 'landrover man' but i kind of knew in the back of my mind that it sounded to easy to be true. also my mechanical naivity has been exposed i feel. i hadn't thought through the effect...
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    replacement dif salisbury axle

    hi, i recently put a 200tdi in my series 3 109 keeping the original box. with the extra power i'm now finding i can get upto 50 quite quickly but it's revving quite high (and loud). I'm comfortable at 50 but would like to travel with lower revs. My question is can i replace the 4.7 dif in the...
  4. N

    1.8 losing water

    Thought a quick update was necessary, Recon head was put on together with replacement inlet manifold and seems to have done the trick. It would seem that the old head was warped/cracked and causing the valve to stick open because of over heating. Piston then clouts the valve and bends it...
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    1.8 losing water

    having the timing a tooth out is not unusual according to other threads. we changed the HG about six weeks ago, thats when we found it was a tooth out. Prior to that don't know. all we know is that it looked liked it had been done before (marks on the sprockets, multi-layered gasket). it...
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    1.8 losing water

    the plot thickens................... removed the head this afternoon, liners look to be in place but a bent inlet valve on pot four. obviously bent. there is no way we could have missed this first time round as we had all the valves out and re-seated. this has happened since the last time it...
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    1.8 losing water

    ok an update. took the inlet manifold off this morning and the port for pot 4 has oily deposit inside of it alot more than the other 3 ports. whatever this is it looks like the deposits have built up and caused a valve or two to not seat properly again thus causing no compression (a guess as...
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    1.8 losing water

    I've posted a couple of times on the series forum but first time on the freelander page. On behalf of my father in law who has a 2000/2001 freelander 1.8 with one of those k series engines in. Pretty long thread but bear with me! A couple of months ago a mechanic friend of mine did some...
  9. N

    temperature sender tdi series 3

    Hi, I've recently fitted a 200tdi into my series three 109. I've managed to pipe and wire everything in except the temperature gauge doesn't register. I think it must be the sender working on a different voltage/resistance as the sender off the old engine (2 1/4 diesel) still registers. The...
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    Smoking Series 3 Diesel

    the other thing he is suggesting is that the block looks like a 2.5 off a 90 and the head a 2 1/4 off series 3. Is this possible? if this is the case then surely it will never run properly whatever i do to it. I'm quite the novice on these matters. is there any way of identifiying if the...
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    Smoking Series 3 Diesel

    hi there folks, just returned from the landy man kens garage, he's put a new timing chain on with mixed results. when i went to pick it up my heart sank - it was pouring out smoke as ever. he said it had been a bitch as there were no timing marks on the flywheel. anyway end result is the...
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    Smoking Series 3 Diesel

    he is suggesting a new timing chain. The other thing that could happen is that it wasn't timed up properly in the first place. remember my friend had loads of work done to the engine which would have meant the removal of the head. the more i think about it the more it makes sense. the...
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    Smoking Series 3 Diesel

    ok me again. I spent last sunday moving the injector pump into every position imaginable but to no avail. just got off the phone to a guy form buckley brothers who said straight away its the timing chain. they stretch over time thus causing it to be out of time. twisting the injector pump...
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    Smoking Series 3 Diesel

    OK, i'll give it the weekend. after I have moved it the half mm how long do i need to run it for? should it have instant results or do i need to leave it ticking over for ten mins or so. like i said, i've already moved it into several positions but i didnt give it long before moving it again...
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    Smoking Series 3 Diesel

    have moved the injector pump into every position possible with no effect on the amount of smoke, so I guess its the injectors. i assume that they're just squirting too much juice. the injectors are new but that doesn't mean to say they were set up properly. not sure what a hartridge tester is...
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    Smoking Series 3 Diesel

    Loosening the injector pipes did as you thought, the engine struggled to tick over until it was tightened up again. this was the same for all four pipes. I have tried turning the injector pump everso slightly, this has had the effect of reducing the smoke only a little but also loosing a bit...
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    Smoking Series 3 Diesel

    I have recently purchased a 2 and a quarter diesel series 3 off a friend who found it in a field and spend lots of £££ trying to sort it. he had new piston rings, new cam shells, valve stem seals, new injectors, new heater plugs, recon injector pump. the problem is it pours smoke out...