1. R

    Engine types

    Many thanks to both of you.............
  2. R

    Engine types

    Not keen on the LPG idea then?
  3. R

    Engine types

    Many thanks Saint.V8. Did LR ever fit a petrol engine of BMW origin do you know?
  4. R

    Engine types

    Can anyone please tell me how I can (easily) tell the origin of the engine fitted to a particular vehicle? (VIN Number?)I have my eye on a petrol P38A of around 2001 vintage and I'd like to know who made the engine with a view to conversion to LPG. Many thanks
  5. R


    Thanks everyone for your comments and advice. Much appreciated.
  6. R


    Appreciate your comments. Thanks.
  7. R


    Thanks for your comments, much appreciated.
  8. R


    Hopefully L322 but it's a bit budget dependant..............
  9. R


    Does anybody have any general experience on running a Range Rover on gas? I'm looking to either buy one converted or buy one and get it converted myself but I'd be interested any do's don't's and general advice, is it worthwhile etc.?