1. D

    Violent Dummy Spitting (Not Wobble)

    What a bunch of absolute c***s. Like I said I'm new to the 4x4 scene and didn't really know where to start looking. Thought a quick thread on this forum would help me out but turns out its just full of w****rs! As for the comment about growing a pair I'm not to sure what it is you would like to...
  2. D

    Violent Dummy Spitting (Not Wobble)

    It's cause is the question, you stroppy noob. :welcome: I'm confused. Didn't think I was coming across as stroppy. Just don't understand all the conflict. I'm a member of the 106owners and you don't get any of that on their forum.
  3. D

    Violent Dummy Spitting (Not Wobble)

    I did read the post and after reading all the (My dads bigger than yours) comments have came to the conclusion no one knows the real issue. I have taken notes of what to check (easiest, cheapest solutions) and will get it looked at, at the weekend and let you know how I get on. Thanks for all...
  4. D

    Violent Dummy Spitting (Not Wobble)

    Been told it could be my UJ's. Does this sound feasible?
  5. D

    Violent Dummy Spitting (Not Wobble)

    Cheers guys. May just be me but I wouldn't class it as a wobble. Its hard to keep it on the road its shaking that much.
  6. D

    Violent Dummy Spitting (Not Wobble)

    Hi people. I'm new to the whole 4x4 scene so any help is much appreciated. I have good knowledge of cars so know the basics but this has really stumped me. Not sure if you can help. I've just bought a 95' Disco. Was driving it home Sunday and at about 60/70mph I hit a bump in the road. (nothing...