1. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    Mornin orl, Us boys goan osspidle agen tuday but be fur us cadderack op. Lukin vorwud tu this, bervic eyezite avter sixty five years. And can drive agen! (If yer calls a Noctavia a car). Appy Toosdi, volks!!
  2. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    Blimmin eck. Yer only rescued it from B&Q a couple of days ago. Int nature wonderful?
  3. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    Back from hospital and they’re all pleased with me. Either I heal well or the nurses are dazzled by my charm. Time will tell.
  4. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    Mornin all, early start, breakfast, shower and off for a check-up. See yer.
  5. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    Ondas, KTMs, Yamaha, you name it they all do it. And when it comes to drive size I’m frequently down to 1/4”!
  6. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    Some of them are a real peach. Seat, tank, slacken the coil, fight yer way through the secondary air hoses, move the thermostat, narrow wall plug socket, short extension, check there’s nort to fall down the recess and then gingerly lift the thing out. And that’s just some tricked-up 125. Who...
  7. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    “Right, we’ve designed the bike, now where shall we hide the plugs?”
  8. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    Big sympathy. I well remember my little brother struggling to do his school exams while peering out of eyes like ring doughnuts. Take it easy. Good morning everyone!
  9. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    Tratter after PDI
  10. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    I really hope the assembly instructions for the apple tree are less opaque than B&Q’s standard offering…..
  11. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    If the house belongs to both of you then there's no proportionate allocation and it's a Joint Tenancy. If there's a defined split in the ownership (percentage or otherwise) then it's a Tenancy-In-Common.
  12. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    And I read it as BATH day!
  13. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    Mornin folks, up at 0430 to say bye to our dorter until her next visit. Then pulled a few spaniels round me and went back to sleep on the sofa. Off for a shower soon and then up for me paper.
  14. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    Morning all, lazy start today. Need to get up and doing, see you later!
  15. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    A long day but a great one. Will be knackered tomorrow but ever upward. Good night all!
  16. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    Go for it, man. You’ll ace it.
  17. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    Consultant says she got all of the murderous little thing and all I’ve got left is one single cancer cell in one single lymph node. A little bit of chemo will sort that. Feeling kind of relieved! Thanks for all the good wishes, makes a big difference. Stay positive, folks. And if that Screening...
  18. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    Morning all. Seeing the consultant again today, early start. Thorough shower required, I guess she must get proper fed up with seeing old geezers in the buff. Hoping she has good news. See yer later.
  19. DevonGuy

    Freelander 1 Taildoor Microswitch

    I successfully dismantled this assembly when my Hippocrates showed the same symptoms. It’s actually not a solenoid but a small motor which spins a helix and drags the latch down. Mine was full of water and rust but after blasting it with WD40 it started working again on the bench. I stuffed as...
  20. DevonGuy

    I would just like to say

    Morning folks, Dry and bright again, if a bit chilly. Time for a brew and to inspect the grounds and the estate in general. I can hear the chauffeusses preparing the carriage to exercise the hounds so peace will reign for a couple of hours while I retire to the library.