1. G

    Will 15 onto 10 go?

    Friends td5 head gone, bought a couple of duffers and a 15p in error, from a runner!...........Questions'............10p internal flow and return fuel rail regulator......15p external fuel return regulator.................SO...........if we replace the fuel regulator COULD the 15p fit the 10p...
  2. G

    Bush engineering!

    Here goes..........not a bushing thing but improvised engineering..........old, over eager and niave. Bought a second hand head, fitted it, drank water like a fish.....Stripped head of, read internet and checked head, found it to be cupped 0.25mil in center!!!!!!bang on dead center!.........It's...
  3. G

    solid engine

    HI, Yes manuals came through , MANY thanks, Re-looked at pulleys with fresh eyes and it was only the belt that had not been fitted properly and rubbed down. Also looked at the journal and i will have to get the dremel out and delicatly polish out a couple of dinks :(. WISH ME LUCK. Are the...
  4. G

    paul.wattam@btopenworld.com Ta Steve

    paul.wattam@btopenworld.com Ta Steve
  5. G

    solid engine

    The nuts had un-wound themselves, no broken bolts, but the rod and cap are trash, HOW THE HELL could anyone not hear the cap coming of!? Got a 2nd hand rod and piston coming, will probably put all new shells in for peace of mind, and can re-torque the whole bottom end.
  6. G

    Will take another look at things 2morrow, been tied up today, maybe someones put the...

    Will take another look at things 2morrow, been tied up today, maybe someones put the plates/washer on incorrectly? The nuts appear to worked themselves loose, not broken the bolts. Have got RAVE v16-1 but a parts list would be great, THANK YOU , Paul
  7. G

    solid engine

    I'll get the shots 2morrow, lots of ground rubber in the cover aswell, I'm getting a deep end introduction to Disco's aren't I........Oily up to my elbows....Havent been this happy since...oooh.......I'm not saying, she might sneek in!!!! Thanks for the input.....
  8. G

    solid engine

    Under i go again then with a torch, this time.........Tomorrow........not getting black again today......Oh and the injector pump seems a little too far forward......it has ground a couple o mill. of the pulley against the front cover.....what the hell have they done to that??
  9. G

    solid engine

    Well a sunday under a landy.........Who hasn't been there before...er i hadn't.......So sump un-done, moved aside and this is what i found..... Looks like someone...NOT ME......didn't torque the rod up!!!!!!! Bore looks ok, journal too......OH and while i was groping in the sump i found what...
  10. G

    solid engine

    Sooo, head off, manual crankAND......234 all move.....No.1, well, i think it's safe to say the rods bought the farm...........NOW to drain the sump and see if this is terminal or recoverable!!!!!!! :(
  11. G

    solid engine

    Ok, I got a dose of that too. Crank goes round almost 180, but locks on the roll over, Timing cover off, fuel pump is ok,timing, cam seems 1 tooth out, crank ok. When turn over forward and back i've got a clunk at the stop point.....Head off i suppose...unless theres something else to look at...