1. H

    Can you get a reliable decent Defender without having to pay over £8000

    i got a 65 mile limit, 2 hour drive. especially when its for a vehicle at a dealership and u can never drive away the same day, done this mny times drive all the way there to look at the motor do the deal and the part ex which i usually lose at least £1500 on and then back again 7 days later to...
  2. H

    Can you get a reliable decent Defender without having to pay over £8000

    i live a bit far from scotland anyway mate :-) lol
  3. H

    Can you get a reliable decent Defender without having to pay over £8000

    easier said than done, especially if its going from one fuelled engine to a different fuel? surely it would be more than just the engine that needs ti be swapped? the fuel tank the exhaust? basically everything mechanical? sorry im not mechanically minded im just a guy that only knows how to top...
  4. H

    Can you get a reliable decent Defender without having to pay over £8000

    hi mate , many thanks for the tips been looking at older ones on e bay for sell aswell going back to the 80s , theres one 5 miles away going cheap but its a 2.5 petrol, definatley not what im after lol
  5. H

    Can you get a reliable decent Defender without having to pay over £8000

    one of the questions insurers ask is does your vehicle have an alarm or immobiliser? i do not even know? i am assuming they dont which is why they are easy to pinch? im sure the td5 onwards to the tdci has an alarm and immobiliser but not sure about the 200 and 300 tdis?
  6. H

    a guy who sells defenders on e bay

    #just had a look at that annetts and orchard im affraid i dont qualify for that, it says the vehicle must be modified and must be used off road, affraid im looking for just a standard defender, and not looking to thrash it around in mud either for the sake of it. maybe the occasional play but...
  7. H

    a guy who sells defenders on e bay

    how old are you tho mate? im 26 and got six years no claims and they still class me as a 17 year old lol only one insurance company gives me a quote with a van or truck defender with rear seats and thats flux direct
  8. H

    Can you get a reliable decent Defender without having to pay over £8000

    well i come to the conclusion to just keep saving up till i see one come along. seen alot lately that look like station wagons with side windows and back seats but when i go to put the reg in on comparethemarket.com to see if it really is , it comes up as a pick up or panel van. dont know why...
  9. H

    a guy who sells defenders on e bay

    many thanks, sounds like a right arthur daily. lol tbh for the defender hes selling at the mo for just under £10k he says is a factory built county station wagon (car) so i do my usual i go on comparethemarket.com and put in the regustration number and it comes up as a pick up truck...
  10. H

    Where do you live?

    my names Aaron, im 26 live on sheppey in kent , work as a bin man, owned several cars since i was 20 but always wanted a land rover defender 90 (owned 2 freelanders before but wouldnt replace what i always longed for lol) (right now i drive around in a mini lol ) but when i had the money for one...
  11. H

    a guy who sells defenders on e bay

    there is a guy called motodrome on e bay, 5miles north of reading who seems to make a living just selling motors, mainly defenders. just would like to know if anyone here has bought any from him or knows anything ? hes selling one at the moment for just under £10,000 looks nice but a bit out of...
  12. H

    Can you get a reliable decent Defender without having to pay over £8000

    lynall, im a bin man so i emptied all the bins around that area, i know in the estate next to the prison there is a red defender 110 that belongs to someone. lol
  13. H

    Can you get a reliable decent Defender without having to pay over £8000

    most of what i seen around my area in kent are for sale at garage forecourts which will sell the motor at at least £1500 more than what its actually worth, im aware i can get one cheaper if bought privately, just not many around at the mo and most defenders at £8000 and below do look very tired...
  14. H

    Can you get a reliable decent Defender without having to pay over £8000

    well many thanks everyone for your tips. i think if i ever decide to get one it will have to be used as a 2nd vehicle to use on weekends etc. mechanically when it comes to maintenance i always relied on a garage, even for servicing as i havent a clue when it comes to manual work or mechanics lol...
  15. H

    Which 4x4?

    i find admiral are only good for first time customers insuring a new policy with them keeping it at a low price then when the renewals start coming through then boom they start rocketing up the prices. think best policy is go with a new insurer every year tho tbh haha
  16. H

    Which 4x4?

    have you got the category licence b +to tow tho? ;-) its an additional test nowadays for new drivers lol
  17. H

    Which 4x4?

    well all i can say is its nice to have £2000 to spend on a years insurance policy in the first place, i know i would never part with that sort of money on insurance. i know its alot harder for young lads these days when they pass their test. i passed my test when i was 18 and then didnt drive...
  18. H

    Which 4x4?

    well i can only comment on the freelander td4 as i have owned 2 and had no trouble at all. the td4 engine is chain driven and very reliable, all head gasket problems from the early k series petrol and l series first diesel engines have been rectified. only thing i didnt know until recently was...
  19. H

    Can you get a reliable decent Defender without having to pay over £8000

    many thanks for your reply. obviously the td5 engined ones are more recent and more expensive cos they are more recent, but i hear mixed reviews about the td5 engine? these are all in the £10000 to £15000 range - money i could never afford to pay lol basically if it ever comes down to it just...
  20. H

    Can you get a reliable decent Defender without having to pay over £8000

    hi there, my names Aaron. im 26 years old and used to have freelander td4s - always wanted a Defender 90 in green.i get the itch for one every year but parents always end up talking me out of it telling me i will be breaking down and having mechanical issues non stop so end up wasting my cash...