1. H

    wheel paint?

    thank you for that good advice and recommendations Its a big help
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    wheel paint?

    hi I'm going to paint my land rover steel wheels white what's best paint applying with brush whats best way primer? land rover paint? hammerite smooth or what thanks
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    no dash light

    many thanks boguing that gives me something to work on will keep you updated
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    no dash light

    my major weakness is electrics wires fuses relays switches so no surprise I have been easily stumped by no lights on speedo temp gauge fuel gauge think every warning light works ok as do all exterior lights fans etc so could it just be a fuse? which one? its on my 1990 110 defender truck cab thanks
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    low cost roof rack storage?

    i am looking for some sort of heavy duty water tight bag to store less valuable items on my roof rack such as my eeziawn shower screen and spare pair of wellies etc that take up space inside landy i welcome any contacts and ideas cheers
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    i am looking for some sort of heavy duty water tight bag to store less valuable items on my roof rack such as my eeziawn shower screen and spare pair of wellies etc that take up space inside landy i welcome any contacts and ideas cheers
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    where does the 200tdi engine go?

    sorry no can dooo!
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    where does the 200tdi engine go?

    hi I have just fallen heir to a 200tdi disco that failed its MOT due to corrossion on chassis and body it has an excellent engine and recon box which I could transplant to another vehicle which would be the easiest option I was thinking of a low mileage petrol disco or defender any...
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    not two alarmed but what fuse?

    hi all the alarms for leaving lights on and leaving key in ignition on my disco 300tdi stopped working today any ideas as to which fuse I should check or could it be something else cheers m
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    can I test my turbocharger

    when reaching 2.5 revs I hear the turbo whistle but there is no sensation if added power or acceleration it just continues to accelerate slowly at the same rate as before turbo started I did rev engine and felt hoses as suggested by "daza" and did fell them expand and harden I have recently...
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    can I test my turbocharger

    having doubts about turbo on 300 tdi I hear it whistling away but does that prove there is a boost and that its performing as it should can I get a garage to test it or is there something I can do or carry out myself to know for sure cheers
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    big improvement but still lacking a wee bit power

    should have mentioned cleaned intercooler aswell and can hear turbo whistling away so presume it will be ok
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    big improvement but still lacking a wee bit power

    hi all got my 300tdi disco in september had been sitting in garage for almost 5 years hardly moving after owner died and family held on to it 63k with service history and well above average condition anyway with the help of landyzone either directly or by reading other threads I have improved...
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    injectors will old washers do

    have just phoned paddocks and they are sending me new washers 1st class no charge it was'nt cost just had some time to do job today and wanted to get it done thank you to all who replied your help is appreciated cheers Mark
  15. H

    injectors will old washers do

    just bought 4 new bosch injectors for 300 tdi disco from paddocks ordered online and thought the copper washers would come with them but no washers came is it alright to use washers from old injectors Haynes manual says new ones should be used look forward to any help
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    have landy will travel.....any ideas?

    have half century milestone coming up 2009 and am thinking of gifting myself a once only adventure of an overland expedition as i have no experience I feel it would be prudent to travel with an organised recommended tour group that specialises in trips of this sort( if such a thing excists) Im...
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    decat legal position

    Hi all was wanting to decat disco 300tdi 1996 by putting on 300tdi non cat exhaust system i know about mot grey area but what is the legal position what penalty could you expect and does anyone know some body who has been caught cheers
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    service my intercooler?

    1996 disco 300 tdi got my disco in AUGUST it has 66k on clock had sat in owners garage for five years unused due to family bereavment a few problems as you would expext blanked EGR changed oil and all filters new timing belt fuel lift pump and performance and power improved slightly after each...
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    can my 300tdi be chipped (not the paint work)

    morning all have just been told my 1996 300tdi discovery es can be chipped to raise horse power is this true and if "maybe" how can I tell for certain how is it done how much does it cost and is it worth it cheers
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    disco has kicked the weed! no more smoking

    hi all recently was looking for advice re my 1996 disc which belched out black smoke from time to time and promised an update took advice and changed all filters and oil which did help smoking was certainly less but still having a fly puff now and then plus still felt there was more in the...