1. G

    wie kan er helpen aub

    thanks for the info everybody but the seats working now and thanks the landyzone is a perfect site for to now something from the discovery 2 td 5 and it is really a nice car she ride's sweet
  2. G

    wie kan er helpen aub

    okey thanks for the help i go to the land rover dealer for some more info and the wact of the can activate
  3. G

    wie kan er helpen aub

    its the 2 frontseats that be electrisch i want it to be placed in a regeluar land rover discovery 2 td5 but the seats are working in the other car but now she wont working in the good car but in the car that have the acident the seats working and if we change the seats than notings work in the...
  4. G

    hallo iedereen

    dag iedereen ik ben glennie hopelyk kunne mensne my helpen met het in orde zetten ven de land rover want is zo een zalige wagen en als er mensen met problemen die ik misschien helpen laat maar weten met vriendlyke groeten glennie
  5. G

    wie kan er helpen aub

    day have a discovery 2 td5 by purchased from an accident a series ii and would like the seats about building in the ordinary discovery 2 td 5 of 1998, but in the normal discovery are manual adjustable seats but we want to replace the electric seats other discovery blykt but now that they do not...