1. davebeccles

    Series 3 Ex Military 109

    Just a further update........... The old girl is now road worthy, complete with full MOT (no advisories), taxed and insured. 10 years on and we can collect the tree. Unfortunately my daughter may be at university so will miss out on the event. Such poor parenting!
  2. davebeccles

    Door Top Angle

    Got some great cheap door tops from an old boy. They are tidy and aluminium. They fit the door bottoms brilliantly. BUT They sit too horizontal and don't form a good seal to the frame. I have the correct top to bottom seals and have tried them both ways around but still the tops sit slightly...
  3. davebeccles

    Giving an old S3 army girl a new lease of life

    OK here we go with the first of many more questions. I appear to have a leak from around the edge of the fuel tank sump bolt. Can I replace the seal?
  4. davebeccles

    Giving an old S3 army girl a new lease of life

    For those that have followed this thread for the past eight years.............. here she is!! That old army girl I dragged up from Southampton to Norfolk, took apart completely, rejigged, reshuffled, cleaned, greased and put back together is finally on the road and going her stuff again. She may...
  5. davebeccles

    Giving an old S3 army girl a new lease of life

    Thanks for the starter advice - good move.
  6. davebeccles

    Giving an old S3 army girl a new lease of life

    Now need to sort out the water pump, fit the electric intake fan and fiddle with the battery position/wiring and we might be nearly there!!
  7. davebeccles

    Giving an old S3 army girl a new lease of life

    So the 200tdi is in. Just needed a bit of fettling with the chassis.
  8. davebeccles

    Giving an old S3 army girl a new lease of life

    Another update on the insane world of getting this old girl going again. Ditched the original engine after finding all sorts of cracks in the block which only came to light after it had got hot during the MOT and then blasting it down the bypass. Got a cheap diesel engine off a mate, fitted it...
  9. davebeccles

    Giving an old S3 army girl a new lease of life

    My life is becoming a comedy of errors!!! Just given the girl a full road test up the bypass before screwing everything down and the engine went bang, lost pressure and gave up on me. Just been towed home and having a beer to calm down.......................... and I got a parking ticket at work...
  10. davebeccles

    Giving an old S3 army girl a new lease of life

    OK. 2 and a bit years later. The saga continues. I'm sorry that the images haven't kept coming but life got in the way again and once again everything came to a grinding halt. BUT, this morning I drove the old girl for the first time in 9 years!!!! She also passed her MOT!!!! Just a few minor...
  11. davebeccles

    Series 3 Ex Military 109

    As anticipated Christmas came and went but still no independent movement of the Series 3 variety. However, the replacement front end loom has just arrived from Scotland so we are getting back on track again. This vehicle doesn't need a heater, it just needs a little grate at the front for me to...
  12. davebeccles

    Series 3 Ex Military 109

    As my restoration enters it's 8th year I am delighted to announce that the wiring is in, the headlights work, the dash has been replaced and we are almost ready for MOT! 8 years ago I promised my nine year old daughter we could collect the Christmas tree in it. This year I will hopefully take my...
  13. davebeccles

    Giving an old S3 army girl a new lease of life

    Cat flap in and sorted. Probably go for gas struts eventually but for now going with the originals. Next question! I've got some decent seals for all my windows but the filler strips are buggered. Searched online and can't find anywhere that sells just the filler strips. Any suggestions??
  14. davebeccles

    Giving an old S3 army girl a new lease of life

    Come to a halt whilst waiting for headlamp bowls/wiring etc so looking to get the body work sorted. Got a cat flap which I'm keen to use. Just checking with all the buckets of knowledge out there that I've got all the bits?? I've also got a handle for the outside but haven't got one for...
  15. davebeccles

    Series 3 Complete rewire

    Afternoon all, just a quick question. After ripping every last wire out of my old girl I have discovered too many breaks and kinks to be comfortable replacing it. Where would everyone advise getting a full wiring loom/harness for my 1983 109"?
  16. davebeccles

    Paint - Series Land Rover Colours

    I paid £44.99 for 5 litres of satin Bronze Green from paints4trade on eBay. Maybe I'm a bit tight but it seems OK to me.
  17. davebeccles

    Series 3 Why do tyres cost more than my Landy did??

    So moral of the thread is: spend loads of cash on a new Landy which will make the cost of tyres seem in insignificant!!
  18. davebeccles

    Series 3 Why do tyres cost more than my Landy did??

    Something a bit chunky. Very little day to day travel,our track is rough as and we head to the dunes regularly.
  19. davebeccles

    Series 3 Why do tyres cost more than my Landy did??

    Any smart ideas for getting cost of new tyres below £500?
  20. davebeccles

    1975 series 3 rebuild ongoing (lots of photos)

    Just spent an hour going through your thread. Brilliant! So many similarities to mine (Giving an old army series girl a new lease of life). Same problems but you remember to take pictures more regularly than I do! I'm really going for the final push now, electrics and all. May even collect the...