1. JoCrewPickup

    WTF is that Dave?

    Missing in action ...back now though :p Text from Sarah and i am playing catch up :o Haven't laffed so much for and age :hysterically_laughi Oooh Oooh I know just where the 80mph bags of shoite can land ;) and I want one of them there knight/nights or both :dance:
  2. JoCrewPickup


    Quite restrained or being restrained ;) Landy or some other 4x4??? You've got until April to convince me either way :p So in the meantime cake it is!!
  3. JoCrewPickup


    Sooooo why have I been looking at Landys For Sale?????? :rolleyes:
  4. JoCrewPickup


    Ayup lassie ....... having read some of your thread I have a good idea hahaha
  5. JoCrewPickup


    Thank you for the welcome :) Pictures of what???? My jalopy .... you would laugh your socks off :rolleyes:
  6. JoCrewPickup

    WTF is that Dave?

    Christ almighty!!!!!! I cannot believe not so long back we were bezzing about in the Yorky Dales with the 4 KIDS in him!!!!!!! I dread to think!!!! They need reporting hun as does the MOT station regardless of timelines!!! You know where i am if you need chat/cake/shoulder/rant/lift x
  7. JoCrewPickup

    WTF is that Dave?

  8. JoCrewPickup


    Hi folks, Joining you in the moral suport for sarah90 and Dave!!! Have spent some time underneath him, under the bonnet and sat on said bonnet to close it :rolleyes: She has mentioned on numerous occaisons what a great bunch you are so I thought why the hell not :) Oh and I make a mean...