1. S

    Freelander 1 Roof Rails

    Top picture is a bit, well, Surrey...
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    Freelander 1 Roof Rails

    Oh yes, I am laughingly bad when it comes to using search engines. If you wanted someone to write one then I'm your man but if you want to find anything approximately close to what is required then I'm best not being asked. These Freelanders do appear to get a bit of stick don't they? It's...
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    Freelander 1 Roof Rails

    Thanks for the replies and I have taken note of the numbers for the appropriate roof rail (STC7931). At the moment I am wondering if I should spend the money on a trailer and, as Dougden suggests, save the money for preventative maintainance. I've already had the alternator catch fire on me...
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    What music do you play in your LR?

    When the wife is in charge of the radio then it's usually some toneless yoof wailing on. When I get the Landie to myself it'll be Rush.
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    Freelander 1 Roof Rails

    Thanks for that link; alas it's at the wrong side of the country for me. Gaylander? Clearly I need to brush up on my terminology but I guess that the Freelander is a little Barbie and Ken, isn't it? - Malc
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    Fourth Landie and Still No Wiser

    Hello, it appears that I have made a bit of a faux-pas earlier by posting a message on the forums without introducing myself. I live just outside of Snowdonia and bought the current Land Rover, a Freelander 1, for the simple reason I wanted something to go up the lane to the cottage. I'm not...
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    Freelander 1 Roof Rails

    Apologies for the lack of introduction, I shall go and do that now. I did search on Google, which is how I found this site and I did see someone else post on these with a nifty link. Alas that pointed to a plastic shed. As for eBay; I have searched and searched and never found those pages...
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    Freelander 1 Roof Rails

    I am looking for a set of roof rails for my three door Freelander 1. Which secret society do I need to join before finding any for sale anywhere? Even the Freelander site has no reference to them (at least not that I could see). They're mentioned in the handbook and I have seen some up and...