1. W

    New freelander owner looking for advice

    hi guys. Thanks for the reply's. Just wondered if you could take a look before i order this set from E bay to be sure i'm ordering the right set please. item no 200708380086. From the seller you mentioned Bruno ;) thanks for that by the way. Also come across this site through reading various...
  2. W

    Freelander help ??

    Thanks for the help guy's I will be doing a lot reading here then lol. My initial thoughts were a diesel engine and going by what I had read. I was looking at x trails and crv's but the freelander just seems to stick out to me more than any other. I was thinking excactly that "they cant all be...
  3. W

    Freelander help ??

    Hi, I was hoping for a little help. I'm looking to change my car (BMW 320 e46 M sport Coupe) as my recreational sport (Fishing) is getting hindered by where i can take my car being a low sports car and having to drive on hard gravel, pot holes and some green lanes. I was looking at an 2004...