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    Back End Stepping Out

    And The List Grows :p
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    Back End Stepping Out

    Reading some other threads, slightly different issues, but that comes up a lot. Thanks!
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    Back End Stepping Out

    Background Info: 1986 90. Just recently had the engine swapped out from a 2.5N/a to a reconditioned 200/300tdi (200tdi bored out to make it a 300). I've got a lt77 gearbox with a lt230 (wrong ration!). Even with the wrong ration LT230, its still ran ok for a few days, Revs too high but...
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    How fast

    Mine (2.5 NA 1986) Sits at 58-60 comfortably on motorways, can go 70 but you'll need 2 sets of ear-defenders.