1. Fairy101

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Full service for the big lad, gearbox and transfer oil replaced, just waiting on new diff pinion seals before I drop the gloop out of them! Anyone know what size the nut is on this pinion behind the prop!?
  2. Fairy101

    New Richards Chassis!!

    Cheers lads that helps! Just done a big service there just the diffs to do this week but don't know which pinion seals to order as there are 2 types, mines a 95 model and thinking it will be a later thinner seal!? Anyone shed any light? Was just going to order both and send one back lol
  3. Fairy101

    New Richards Chassis!!

    How much was the marsland chassis I'm looking to do my 300 90 that's all it's looking patchy haha
  4. Fairy101

    Morocco April 2014

    Lads I would be interested in that too!! Would yous mind if I tagged along!? Was trying to get some mates interested in a trip to the Pyrenees next April but no luck, iv done a lot of offroad and a lot of green laning but never abroad