1. crumble

    EAS - Troubleshooting help!

    Fed up of the thing leaning so much, so decided to brave the dark and cold tonight. Got the valve block out. Sure enough, I had put RR and FL solenoid lids back to front (RR was on FL and vice versa.) Reassembled, then re-sprayed the plugs in the footwells, and then dried with hair dryer...
  2. crumble

    EAS - Troubleshooting help!

    And a new exhaust. I left it on the drive in the rain and it ot driven over. Presume I'd have needed to replace anyway due to white powder?
  3. crumble

    EAS - Troubleshooting help!

    Sorry (and thanks!) :doh:
  4. crumble

    EAS - Troubleshooting help!

    I have indeed. Took a photo of that and everything ;) It does seem to be dropping after I get out now - immediately though, rather than over a long period.
  5. crumble

    EAS - Troubleshooting help!

    I'll hold you to that. It makes my jobs list a lot easier! Thanks :)
  6. crumble

    EAS - Losing My Way

    I dream of the day mine will do that!
  7. crumble

    EAS - Troubleshooting help!

    I know right, very helpful. His first comment was "What on earth possessed you to buy one of these?" He did offer to tow it to the garage because of the wonky suspension. I told him it was in hand, and he looked quite sorry for me. Still wonky this morning. Having to use EASUnlock to...
  8. crumble

    New head unit, feedback in right door speaker

    Hi, Just purchased a Sony MEX-BT2900 head unit (http://pdf.crse.com/manuals/4197991111.pdf) Installed in the car (2000 reg p38), with the below wires in the back of the factory head unit: I installed originally on Monday, plugging the grey and brown plugs into the Sony loom...
  9. crumble

    EAS - Troubleshooting help!

    Makes perfect sense, cheers! RAC man sorted the fuel issue...very embarassingly it was my own fault. I knocked a pipe off in the engine bay = diesel everywhere.
  10. crumble

    EAS - Troubleshooting help!

    The coils look straightforward with the picture on the previous page. As for pipes, only two of mine have colours on them? RAC are coming in an hour to get car to local garage to look at fuel issue!
  11. crumble

    EAS - Troubleshooting help!

    I'm certain it's not the pipes - I have a 'before' photo. Will double check though. More concerned that it's dumped £70 worth of diesel outside the front door of the office. RAC?
  12. crumble

    EAS - Troubleshooting help!

    I'm wondering the same thing. 99% sure I put them all back correctly, but with that slight doubt, I plan to take apart at the weekend. Next issue is that I think I've damaged to fuel tank, or a line. Just arrived to work, parked, and I'm in a puddle of diesel :-(
  13. crumble

    EAS - Troubleshooting help!

    Further update: The exhaust DID have white stuff in it, maybe half a teaspoon full, and it didn't come out until I took the screw out. Have been running with it out for the last half hour or so, it's scared the **** out of me a couple of times, and the dogs have run into the house...
  14. crumble

    EAS - Troubleshooting help!

    Sorry, I didnt finish what I was trying to say before...I meant to finish by saying that I assume I'd have spotted the white powder all over the inside of the valve block at the weekend when I refurbed?
  15. crumble

    EAS - Troubleshooting help!

    Can they be replaced? It's all rebuilt now...but now I know what I'm doing, and I don't have to replace 3,000 o-rings, I can whip it out and sort it next weekend. How would I go about reshaping?
  16. crumble

    EAS - Troubleshooting help!

    Thanks I've noticed you've suggested this before on another thread somewhere. It gets full of the dessicant from the dryer unit I think you said? You also said that if this is full of white powdery stuff, then chances are the valve block will be too? Will take off and check this evening...
  17. crumble

    EAS - Troubleshooting help!

    If you have a leaky NRV, is this usually because of the o-ring, or the shape of the NRV? One of the NRV's had a misshapen head - see below.
  18. crumble

    EAS - Troubleshooting help!

    Thanks for the speedy reply! I wasn't aware of the 'filling the tank' until I read Rachelkgr's thread (a couple above or below mine at the moment, also EAS issues!). By specifying the bonnet was the only thing open, I meant that I was therefore expecting the EAS to work. Will add to the...
  19. crumble

    EAS - Losing My Way

    So was the pressure low from the pump?
  20. crumble

    EAS - Troubleshooting help!

    Hi, Have got a reasonable amount of help on this over on rangerovers.net, including from some names I recognise on here, so apologies for the double post. Seems like there are more people on landyzone who are in the UK, so I'm more likely to get responses during my own waking hours. To...