1. N

    Cant get anymore than 20.3mpg

    I have no idea, but i drove my uncles TD6 to devon and got an average of 31.3mpg and i had a pretty heavy foot. Cheers Nick
  2. N

    fuel mpg on p38

    Lucky man for having LPG. I do not, I just have pure unleaded.
  3. N

    fuel mpg on p38

    Blimey think yourself lucky I am currently running a 4.6 HSe and averaging 10.9miles to the gallon around town, but i can get 20ish on a run. Cheers Nick
  4. N

    P39 Steering Wobble

    Afternoon everyone, I am currently borrowing my dads P38 as i have sold my car and awaiting another to arrive and have noticed a approx 50mph the steering wheel shakes. Once over this speed it stops, but then when you go over a bump the shake reappears and then goes again. What could this be...
  5. N

    4.6 V8 in a RRC

    Hi There I have got my dirty hands on a good 4.6 V8 engine out of a 1995 P38, that i would like to put in my classic. I can do all the work myself but need to know what i need to sort before work begins. My questions are fuelling, gearbox etc etc Any advise woul dbe greatly appreciated...
  6. N

    Picked it up at last

    Cheers for that, I will be needing alot of help and parts to get the car upto a good standard. Nick
  7. N

    Picked it up at last

    Cheers for the response, i was not able to take any picturers as the digital camera has gone walk about, i think one of the boys has had it. But once found i will post some pictures Cheers Nick
  8. N

    Picked it up at last

    As of yesterday i am the proud owner of a 1990 RRC vogue in Blue. It is in a sorry state and needs alot of work, but work has started and will progress over the coming months. Yesterday once i got it home i removed all the aftermarket wiring that had been put on over the years including...
  9. N

    Afternoon All

    It is a 1992 3.9 and is very common Plymouth Blue Cheers Nick
  10. N

    Afternoon All

    Hi there I am Nick and have just purchased an RRC, I am going to collect it this weekend and am very excited. This will be my third RRC but my first EFI the two others i have had have been SE models. A few years ago i had a Series 111 long wheel base hard top and i loved it, but when i...