1. Jonny72

    Save the defender petition!

    Signed from Belgium
  2. Jonny72

    Upgrading Annologue TV to Digital

    Have you checked to see whether there's the chance to tune to a digital signal? I'm not familiar with that mode tuner, but do know that many manufacturers were installing analogue & digital tuners to cars more than 10 years ago. It might just be a case of running through the menus to tune to...
  3. Jonny72

    Series 2 demister/hoses to smiths heater

    In case anyone has them, I'm looking for the vents which are kind of 'U' shaped, that blow air either side of the wiper motors - to fit a '62 Series 2A. I just bought a round heater for my Landy, which was an optional extra back in '62 I believe.
  4. Jonny72

    LandyZone at Eastnor Show 24th-25th Aug

    Good to meet some fellow LandyZone members at Eastnor this weekend
  5. Jonny72

    LandyZone at Eastnor Show 24th-25th Aug

    I'm popping over for this - hoping for good weather as the Tent's a bit iffy :)
  6. Jonny72

    billing v peterborough off road course

    It loved it!
  7. Jonny72

    billing v peterborough off road course

    Nice pics
  8. Jonny72

    billing v peterborough off road course

    That's cool - hope you enjoy Peterborough - course is a lot of fun
  9. Jonny72

    billing v peterborough off road course

    Here's some pics of my RRS - 1st pic is from Peterborough LRO 2012, and the other 3 are from Billing 2013. It's a shame I didn't get photos from some of the more extreme stuff I took it through. Despite road-going tyres, it was a breeze - amazing traction.
  10. Jonny72

    Baby locked in car....urgent

    Safety first
  11. Jonny72

    New member from Brussels

    Hi all - I just found the forum by accident yesterday, but am already impressed by the exchanges I've read. I drive a '62 Series IIA 88" Truck Cab when in UK and for my day job as a UK expat here in Sunny Brussels, a RRS 2012 SDTV Autobiography. I love both - both are LandRovers to the core...
  12. Jonny72

    Hannibal roof tent

    Looks good - not sure what are the diff ended between all the different makes - e.g. Howling moon, and the Italian brand. I guess you get what you pay for, but it'd be interesting to read a comparative review. I'm planning a big Africa trip in a couple of years, and always on the look out for...
  13. Jonny72

    billing v peterborough off road course

    I did Peterborough last year, and thought it was harder than Billing this year. Both a lot of fun - Peterborough set in and around a quarry, so plenty of mud, steep accents and drops with, as others have mentioned, lots of opportunity for axle articulation. Did both in my 2012 RRS - no damage...