1. J

    What rover would you buy?

    I like this idea...... I need an automatic gearbox, I'm not allowed to drive anything else. Looking at Defenders already fitted with an auto box certainly limits my choice. I like the idea of shopping around to select the perfect defender then putting in an auto box myself (or paying someone...
  2. J

    What rover would you buy?

    All good advice - and appreciated! I don't like discos, sorry its got to be a defender. I've had plenty experience tinkering with cars, although not Land Rovers. I've got a mate who's great with cars and a colleague who collects and renovates anything with 4 wheels (including land rovers), so...
  3. J

    What rover would you buy?

    Custom spec hmmm Do you mean brand new?? Is it possible to spec an auto gearbox? This doesn't appear to be an option on the website.
  4. J

    What rover would you buy?

    110 might be the way forward I've not really considered one. I just love the 90, I can always buy a roof rack for all their rubbish (or to threaten the kids when they're cheeky).
  5. J

    Newbie from aberdeenshire

    Welcome to the forum! Love the wheels, that is just what I'm looking for. Do you mind me asking how old she is? The reason I ask - I'm pretty new to Land rovers and I'm wary of buying anything that looks as good as yours but has a bulkhead like it's made of cheese :)
  6. J

    What rover would you buy?

    What model would you choose if you had unlimited money? The reason I ask - I was bashed up pretty bad in a car crash a while back and have a few quid to spend as a result if you know what I mean ;). I'm now back to full fitness but I'm only able to drive automatics. I realise defender autos...
  7. J

    Coolest Landrover you've seen thread

    DreXel, that machine is a beast