1. Z

    Advice Please for my hicuppy Freelander

    Hi, my Freelander GS 1800 recently started a very interesting experiment with me! It starts fine, runs fine, but... when accelerating through 2k to 3k revs it starts a jerking motion like it is suffering from fuel starvation, but resumes normal running after 3k revs or less acceleration! Also...
  2. Z

    Greetings from deepest darkest africa!

    Ha ha, yes I do get more abuse from Lany lovers than I do non landy lovers, and yes I know I drive the divorce car but I love it and will argue it to the bone :) I most def wont start the ragging about the Discovery though :)
  3. Z

    Life is like a rollercoaster, you can either scream every time there is a bump, or.... you can...

    Life is like a rollercoaster, you can either scream every time there is a bump, or.... you can throw your hands up and enjoy the ride!!!
  4. Z

    Greetings from deepest darkest africa!

    Greetings all Well not entirely deepest darkest but living in Zimbabwe can certainly feel like it sometimes!!!!! :o I purchased a freelander 2 some years ago much to the disgust and insults of many of my non landrover friends! However I love my vehicle and although it takes constant abuse on...