1. T

    Fourmarks Alton?

    Hi There There is one called Brick Kiln Farm in Alton but I have never been and am trying to find out details for it. Most importantly I need to speak with someone before going down and can't find a number. Let me know if you hear of one.:)
  2. T

    Brick Kiln Farm-Alton?

    Hi All I was wanting to go to Brick Kiln Farm p&p but cant find any contact info to check opening hours, cost and also to inquire about some other stuff. Anyone know a number? Cheers
  3. T

    brick kiln farm Alton Hampshire

    Hi Guys I am looking to head down to Brick Kiln Farm and as per the same issues in this post cant find any contact info anywhere to check opening and where it is etc. Got any idea? Thanks.
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    Newbie Looking for Information

    Hi All I am responsible for our company land rovers and though id sign up so I can gain some useful info from anyone willing to give it. I have a reasonable knowledge of Landys but anything specific and ill need to ask. :)
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    Window Dimensions?

    I have considered this but thought if it was only another £10 or so to get them to cut it then it would be worth it. If I do do it myself I have heard a hacksaw would do the job fine too.
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    Window Dimensions?

    Hi All I can't seem to find anywhere the dimentions of the rear door window on my defender. I can't measure mine as I don't have one and need the full glass size when not in the window. I am looking to put some polycarbonate in instead and know the window tapers to the top and was going to...