1. C

    Where do you live?

    Tonbridge Kent, I'm from Birmingham originally, but moved here after getting bored of London, it's OK though cos I work in Sheffield... Currently at a standstill on the M25 (engine off) please wave if you see me...!
  2. C

    Nice Looking Car

    I notice in the advert that he is selling as he wants a Disco or a Fender, must be fed up of roughing it and decided to add some real class to his life :)
  3. C

    evenin all

    Hi, I'm only down the road in Five Oak Green if you need to borrow the occasional spanner/jack/defibrillating machine
  4. C


    For some reason, I assumed you were in Kent, (think is must be the whole k44ent thing) then I got really worried when you were going to start driving from Kent to Buxton on a regular basis! Don't worry though, I've worked it now...!
  5. C


    I have been using "cos my balls are so big I need the extra room" - I then tend to order a particularly girly drink from the bar just to mess with their minds....;)
  6. C

    Does anyone know what this is?

    This looks like a data logger to me (the varta battery also supports this in terms of retaining data) I remember using something very similar to this some years ago when we were trying to determine hull stresses in iron ore carriers (ships - they kept sinking and people were getting a bit...
  7. C


    Hi, I have just bought my first Defender 110 200 tdi, I have had it for 3 weeks now and nothing has fallen off so feeling pretty smug at the moment. She is all original with no mods which is what I was looking for and how I intend to keep her for the time being. I'm still struggling to...