1. F

    Do I need any special tools?

    Morning all Well following my clutch giving up the ghost in the middle of france, I have contacted all the dealers and the soonest anyone can fix is september - not good. So, Im thinking about having a go myself.... One garage said I could not do it as I need a special tool. Does anyone...
  2. F

    Over Revving and no power and stuck in France without a clue how to speak french

    Hi All Thanks for all your advice on this one. I think I have found the MAF and will have a go at disconnecting it. fingers crossed it will be ok and at least last me until I reach the UK Thanks again ps. If it doesn't work I may be back picking your brains again :)
  3. F

    Over Revving and no power and stuck in France without a clue how to speak french

    Hi Slob Im slap bang in the middle of France (the Creuse area) and my local Dealer (I say Local) is about 125km away (montlucon). I think I may have to try the old 'Smile and Bonjour' with the dealer to see if they can sort it. One question I do have, if im having this problem (the engine...
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    Over Revving and no power and stuck in France without a clue how to speak french

    Hi All Im stuck in France and cant speak a work of french so wondered if I could ask for some advise.... I have a Freelander 2003 TD4 and am having a few problems. Firstly, my turbo was working over time and I had no additional power when driving above 50mph in 4th gear or any speed in...