1. D

    Honest answer wanted....De-ACE or not

    Many thanks to everyone for your responses. I needed to hear everybody say "ditch the ACE, it's a waste of time, the truck will be better off without it". I think the reason I needed to hear this is because deep down in my heart it's not what I truly believed was the right thing to do. The views...
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    Honest answer wanted....De-ACE or not

    I need an honest answer please. Many of you will groan "god, not that old chestnut again!" so, sorry.....but: The ACE system on my 2004 TD5 ES Premium is goosed, pipes leaking from valve block. Taking the pragmatic approach that if one pipe has gone the rest are sure to follow, I've had my...
  3. D

    D2 noise when cornering old chestnut

    Update on the noise when cornering issue: It did turn out to be the near side front wheel bearing after all. Took the truck to my local LR indy, and took one of the mechanics out for a spin and a listen. He was confident it was the bearing and he was right. I would like to have tackled...
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    D2 noise when cornering old chestnut

    Thanks for the replies and suggestions. Ive just finished a set of nights (yawn :p) so got a few days off to have a play. I'll report back if I get anywhere.
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    D2 noise when cornering old chestnut

    Thanks for the reply Joojar. Thinking about what you said, the tyres were virtually new when I got the Disco last year and the noise has developed over time. I'm thinking, perhaps it wouldn't hurt or cost anything to swap the front tyres for the rears (the rears are less worn than the fronts)...
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    D2 noise when cornering old chestnut

    Hi all I have seen discussions about this before, but never seen anyone post a follow up of the final resolution. My 2004 D2 makes a sort of rumbling "woo woo woo" type noise when cornering to the right. It is only noticeable at speed (over 40mph) and not at town/crawling speed. It occurs...
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    New to being owned by a Landrover

    Hi all. I've wanted a Landrover since I was in nappies :baby: (graduated to pants last year :smokin:) and after over 2 years of "umming and arring and should I, shouldn't I, would I be better off with a Landcruiser?......what about the fuel costs and what if?......perhaps I'll get a Nissan...