1. Denty

    If it's not the old women groaning it's the disco

    Hey guys, Haven't used disco for good few months. Now I have a groaning sound when I turn the wheel. The noise increases with the rev of the engine but only when I'm turning the wheel ! I've covered all the pullys in WD and ran the engine for 15 -20 mins thinking it could be the beginning of...
  2. Denty

    iPad app. ?

    Do you have to pay 199 for it or just get sections ?
  3. Denty

    iPad app. ?

    Anyone advise on the best iPad app to get for green laning ?
  4. Denty

    woolly steering

    Hi there Not too sure what woolly means but I had problems with my steering. Turns out it was the small UJ further away from the steering box nearer the steering wheel ! I used plenty of WD40 whilst using the motor and hey presto. Saved me alot of arm ache ! Hope this helps. Denty.
  5. Denty

    Tyre advice.

    Hi guys, Found some cheap tyres on eBay , They are called corsa 838 MT. Look ok was just wondering if anyone has any experience with them ! Thanks.
  6. Denty

    Steering box crying.

    Verdict - after alot of hours and penny's I found that the swivel joint thing that is the first bit you can see as steering comes through to under the bonnet was slightly ceased and a good spray of WD has sorted the problem. Derrrr Hope this saves some people some time in the future. Denty
  7. Denty

    Strata Florida

    Oh right, It seems funny because I have the relevant map with strata abbey on it but there's no byway for about 2 miles. It will all probably make sense when im there. I know there are byways that are not on map which makes it more exciting I Spose. Bring it on - week today. Yessss
  8. Denty

    Strata Florida

    How long in miles would you say strata is ?
  9. Denty

    Strata Florida

    Ok cool. We will be all over 😀. I'll MSG you when we are there.
  10. Denty

    Defender 90, 110 & Pinzgauer on Strata Florida on a hot day

    Ok sweet. Actually can't wait. Seem to be getting the same vibe from ppl about navigation. I'll let you know how I get on. Denty.
  11. Denty

    Defender 90, 110 & Pinzgauer on Strata Florida on a hot day

    Nice one cheers dude.
  12. Denty

    Strata Florida

    Ok great, pm me your mob number and I'll drop you a txt when we are in the area. What map number is strata on I'm struggling to find it. Got thrown out of WHsmith for loitering the other day they thought I was up to something as I was in there so long.
  13. Denty

    Defender 90, 110 & Pinzgauer on Strata Florida on a hot day

    Hi looks brill. I'm going there in a couple of weeks do you know a land ranger map number for this area ? Thanks
  14. Denty

    Strata Florida

    Hi peps, Venturing to Wales on the 19 -24 th of this month to the strata Florida area! Private message me if your Around that area at the time and we can always link up ! Also it's my first time to this area, any advice / map numbers that will come in handy. Cheers.
  15. Denty

    Steering box crying.

    So shy does it squeak when I turn the wheel ?
  16. Denty

    Steering box crying.

    Ok. Thanks ill try this ASAP and let u know.
  17. Denty

    Steering box crying.

    So let me explain what it feels like ! I'm sure it must be quite simple 😮. Imagine the nut that holds the steering wheel on affected the stiffness of the steering it's like mine is done up too tight. If k do half turn left whilst driving at 15 mph it just stays where it is. There is...
  18. Denty

    Steering box crying.

    Ok so pump is ok. Finally got around to testing it. Works well ! Where next ? 😁 Don't really know where to go next with it. Going back to steering alignment is the somewhere I can take it so someone can go over this sort of stuff for me. I.e. tracking, alignment ?? Thanks.
  19. Denty

    Steering box crying.

    So how long should hose be that I connect onto bleed nipple ? 1ft ? 2ft ? I have re sealed box and refitted, fitted new steering damper and am still experiencing the same sort of problem. So thinking now it could be the pump. !
  20. Denty

    Temp gauge not working

    Any ideas online buddies ? My temp gauge is not working it hasn't since I've had it ! ?