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    Disco 2 Ace removal Advice

    Evening all. My 2003 disco has recently sprung the inevitable ACE leak on the pipework. I have purchased a removal kit to convert it to standard ARB's and the parts have arrived today. My question is this..... does any one know a link or website that can talk me through the process of swapping...
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    Rough Running Disco 2.......with white smoke.

    Bit of an update, been out in the car again today, and there was only smoke and missfire as it started. As soon as it got a little heat in the engine, it ran as per normal. This has baffled me even more now!! Andy......:confused::confused:
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    Rough Running Disco 2.......with white smoke.

    Hello all, I have a problem or problem in the making on my 2003 disco 2 with 101k on the clock. It's something like this.................... yesterday i took the car off road for the first time in a while for all of 500 yards onto our horse field (so not that extreme really!!) when i stopped...
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    Newbi from Notts....

    Hi all. Just a quick intro to say hello, and i'm looking forward to some serious help with my poorly 2003 disco which always seems to be broke at the moment!:mad: Cheers. Andy.