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    written off by boy racer

    We have both been for a medical today, the doctor feels my wife has severe whiplash involving upper and lower back pains so obviously she is in alot of pain poor luv. Me well he says i am suffering from post traumatic stress dissorder, to be honest, i havent cried for so long since i lost my...
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    written off by boy racer

    I use the term boy racer lightly, to me, the speed he was obviously driving on the quiet fresh morning at 6am made him a boy racer, driving an astra with nice shiny alloys i suppose would make him an entheusiastic car owner?????. The insurance assessor is coming in the morning to have a look, i...
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    written off by boy racer

    He had a cut on his ear pooring with blood, the car he was driving was a 2001 astra, the whole side of his was mashed up, to be honest, my disco looks like it wasnt a great impact, because i felt it was driveable i followed the ambulance to the hospital and we both eventually drove to a friends...
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    written off by boy racer

    On saturday morning at 6am, our disco was written off by 30 year old on his way to work and late, we were on our way home back to the isle of wight for mothers birthday, we had just spent a couple of houres in wiltshire looking at the stones at sunrise as the wife has never seen them. The...
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    95 300tdi manual gearbox oil change

    Hi, can anyone please tell me what the best oil is to use to do an oil change on my gear box? also what is the standard recomended oil to use. cheers Guys
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    if i can change the name i will, last thing i wanna do is upset the natives. Who are admin so i can ask about name changing please.:confused:
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    hello, dint think we can say welcome to anyone wiff donk in their name on here.............care to enlighten me sir???
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    Just thought i would be polite and introduce myself, my names Tony and i live on the isle Of Wight, i have 95 300tdi discovery which is just great. Not really into serious off road but more greenlaning, wanted a land rover since i was 13-14 and it was well worth the wait. I have been visiting...