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    Africa all the way round!

    I finally managed to put together a short video of the first part of the journey. Most of it was shot in Morocco, the Guineas, Ivory Coast, Liberia and Congo. The part with the mud and water is the "highway" from the coast to the capital in Congo Brazzaville. Sort of the M1. The overturned truck...
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    Africa all the way round!

    I am proud to announce that the ebook of my Travels with Thimba is now available on Travels with Thimba 120 pages of adventurous ups and downs, loaded with high-res photographs, professional layout, and aimed at armchair escapists, would-be overlanders and other Land Rover fanatics! Happy...
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    Africa all the way round!

    Thimba enjoying the early morning sun in the desert near Wadi Halfa, Sudan The sound of breaking glass The Immigrations and Customs building is located in an old part of Alexandria. Narrow streets, numerous food stalls selling palatable snacks, the smell of a vibrant city. The man from...
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    Africa all the way round!

    Unloading from a truck in Dongola, Sudan Major breakdown I wish I could just turn around and head back to Dongola, but the car won’t move. There’s a loud rattle somewhere down under. I call Mazar, my fixer in Halfa, and he talks to “the men” of the border post. They can...
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    Africa all the way round!

    Bushcamp near pyramids of Meroe, Sudan Just your ordinary border crossing. I leave the Ethiopian highlands and descend into a completely different world. Of course there’s the heat: Sudan must be one of the hottest countries on the continent. After the cool breeze of the mountains the heat...
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    Africa all the way round!

    Does this justify aggressive behaviour? The dreaded Moyale road, northern Kenya After nearly two weeks in Nairobi I am glad to be on the road again. To get from Kenia to Ethiopia there are two possible routes. The Lake Turkana one is more scenic, desolate, and longer; the Moyale road is...
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    Africa all the way round!

    Hi guys, Thanks for the compliments. Much appreciated! :) Cheers from Nairobi, Gee
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    Africa all the way round!

    All animals are equal, bur some animals are more equal than others. Trigger-happy with a lasergun I’m driving through southern Tanzania, and it’s pretty relaxed. Apart from the odd unexpected pothole to keep you alert, the road is reasonable to good. There’s a speed limit of 50 for the...
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    Africa all the way round!

    The catch of the day - Lake Malwi With sweat on my forehead I wake up in the middle of the night. I dreamt that I was in Zambia without a visa. Oh well, dreams, you know. In the morning I check my passport, just to make sure. No visa. I check my other passport. Same result: I am illegally in...
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    Africa all the way round!

    Africa's southernmost point “You cannot enter South-Africa with your dog.” Even with a formal exit permit from the Namibian state vet, I dreaded the border with South Africa. They don’t allow the importation of pets accross land borders, only at Cape Town or Jo’Burg airport, where they have...
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    Africa all the way round!

    For those interested in photographic hardware: I shoot with a Canon 5D MK II and a variety of Canon L-lenses. The photographs in this post were all taken with the 100-400mm lens. More on: Travels with Thimba
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    Africa all the way round!

    If you want to experience the real Africa (whatever that may be), don’t go to Namibia. If you want to see the “big five” you may be lucky in the somewhat overrated Etosha Park, but many East African countries are a better bet. If you want to collect “under the Christmas tree” stories of what...
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    Africa all the way round!

    Moose is dead, but Solitaire is bustling. The character of the old fuel station is perhaps best preserved by the car wrecks. More on: Travels with Thimba
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    Africa all the way round!

    Hi Peter, Thanks for your message! Enjoying a relaxed few months in Namibia, before traveling up the East coast back to Holland. Cheers, Gee
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    Africa all the way round!

    I take it you mean a money belt in Birmingham:D Cheers from a very safe Namibia, Gee and Mees
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    Africa all the way round!

    Hi, Visited Swakopmund, very interesting, great campsite! Cheers from Kamanjab, Namibia, Gee (and Mees)
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    Africa all the way round!

    Near Spitzkoppe After the adventures in West and Central Africa, Namibia is a vacation. I picked up Mees from Windhoek airport two weeks ago, and we bushcamped, stayed at some very comfortable and some very basic campsites, had oryx and zebra steak for dinner, spotted lots of zebra, giraffe...
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    Africa all the way round!

    The guides handsignal lefts and rights and – most frequently – slow! Deadslow! The brakes squeek as we very gradually make our way down the hill. I brake too much and the engine stalls. No problem. I start again, release the clutch and brake, and brake some more. I hear Steven’s “Oh, my god!”...
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    Africa all the way round!

    Of course! And by the look on his face he was more than satisfied! Cheers, Gee
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    Africa all the way round!

    Hi Dunkan, Thanks, All is well, tomorrow crossing into DRC! Cheers from Brazzaville, Congo, Gee