1. G

    2003 TD4 rear end loud rumble

    I'll give it a try later today, thanks
  2. G

    2003 TD4 rear end loud rumble

    Hi forum, I am scratching my head over a rear end noise and would like some ideas… My 2003 TD4 started rumbling from the rear around 2 weeks ago, it sounds like a badly worn wheel bearing. The noise increases with speed but does not change when I turn or go either way around a roundabout. It...
  3. G

    Boiling over at 3000rpm...

    Hi All, I've had a look through all the forums and I reckon it's the HG that's gone. I'll book it in to Rogers in Bedford, a local LR specialists. They should be able to test the radiator and HG. Anyone know what they'd charge to replace the head gasket?
  4. G

    Boiling over at 3000rpm...

    Thanks Fanatic. So the vehicle behaves and drives fine and at normal temperature if I keep to 50-55 MPH is that still a cracked head? Also, what's a good test for the radiator other than removing it?
  5. G

    Boiling over at 3000rpm...

    Also, I have been running the heater on full but even then it only works occasionally i.e. when there's water in the matrix
  6. G

    Boiling over at 3000rpm...

    Hi Folks, Yes it is boiling over and loosing power in exactly the same way as 'Clifford' describes with his. So, where is the water going? if not in the oil supply then into the cylinders? surely this would impede the engine working at all! Also, the lack of power could be 'limp mode' because...
  7. G

    Boiling over at 3000rpm...

    Hi All, A quick Sunday night puzzler for you all….. My Discovery 2 TD5 auto is really overheating if I go over 3000 RPM for an extended period i.e. up a steep hill. Now I have only just bought the vehicle and have had to do some work on it which I’ll list but this problem has really got me...
  8. G

    Quick thanks

    Just changed the water pump, door lock and wiper motor on my newly acquired Disco 2. Would like to say thanks to everyone who offered advice and help, couldn't have done it without you especially 'discovery2.co.uk'
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    Discovery Free sytle alloy wheels & tyres

    Hi Fella, Will these fit series 2 disco? want a set for winter tyres. I'm in Bedford so could pick up this weekend...
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    TD5 house keeping

    Thanks guys, that's all really helpful. Going to service her today and have a look at those actuators....
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    TD5 house keeping

    2 oil filters! thanks didn't know that. Ref the door locks, they lock ok via the fob but don't open. The servos obviously work but only one way. Could it be a sticky switch?
  12. G

    TD5 house keeping

    Hi Folks, Just got my first TD5 and was looking for some advice on servicing and 'snagging'... Have only just driven it and (after filling it up for £118!) noticed some faults that I could do with some pointers on please. 1) the windscreen wipers don't go back on their own, is this and easy fix...
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    Back after 4 years!

    Hi Everyone, Just bought my 3rd Disco. It's a 1999 TD5 and I am so happy! Got a few 'niggles' to sort out so will post in another section for some advice. Giles
  14. G

    Can it be done?

    If you put the Disco drive train onto a series chassis do the axles match up to the series leaf spring mounting points? It'd tick lots of boxes if it did (i.e. same brakes etc!)
  15. G

    Can it be done?

    Nice one guys thanks. So it looks possible and using the points system (thanks for the link clivees) if I keepthe origional chassis, suspension and/or steering/axles it'd still be tax free and exempt from stupid parking permits.... Think I'll start looking for a donor!
  16. G

    Can it be done?

    Here's a thought... I live in central London and sold my 98 Disco last year when my parking permit doubled because apparently I'm resonsible for all the bad weather. I've regretted it ever since but what with fuel prices and road tax about to go through the roof it looks as though LR ownership...
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    Don't do it!

    :confused: It's been a while since I've been on here having stupidly sold my Disco 300 last year... Living in central London I thought they'd never stop charging me a premium for driving a 4x4 so I bought an Audi A6. It's a lovely motor but the roads in the city are a mixture of speed ramps and...
  18. G

    Which Disco to buy?

    Hi all, Firstly, thanks for all the input about my broken 300TDi.... In the end it was the radiator (fins had gone AWOL!) that caused the overheating. Melted the 2 and 3 pistons and the head so ended up costing me a fortune. Anyway, I'm gonna bite the bullet and buy a newer model and I'd like...
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    Need a block!

    Well the saga continues.... My dead 300tdi needs either the block reconditioning or a s/h or recon short block. Having the old one done will cost me a fortune as I'll have to get the garage to do it (no facilities here) and I'm already into them for £650 or Just get them to plop another...
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    Dead Head?

    Cheers Slob, I think you're right it's a bit of a long shot (the rings that is) If this doesn't work though I'm going to have to bite the bullet and hand it over to a proffessional garage. Haven't EVER paid anyone to work on any of my vehicles before so I'm now totally paranoid that I'm going...