1. J

    P38A Diesel parts for sale in for sale but need to know if anybody is interested this evening...

    Hi All, Hope you are all safe and well. Missing the RR a lot but I am coming to the uk camoing tomorrow in Snowdonia and Dorset. So if anybody is interested in the few parts I have left please get in touch and I can bring them with me to post. I have advertised before but was super busy at...
  2. J

    For Sale P38 diesel few parts

    Hi, Having sold the P38 ages ago ago and having advertised some parts I never followed up interest at the time as work was taking over life................. But I am in the UK next week. I will bring the injectors and nancom with me so if interested please get i touch. If I have to post from...
  3. J

    For Sale Nanocom evolution

    P38 nearly new only used a handful of times but car now sold and cannot afford to keep this just in case I find another P38.............. Think it cost me about £450 So was going to ask £325/£350 to actually get £300. It is only available between 18th and 22nd April as that is when I am in...
  4. J

    For Sale P38 EAS parts, FIP, Injectors, nanocom, scruffy Pillar trim

    Hi, I have the following parts for sale, but please note I am in Jersey and cannot send them as VAT and cost of postage makes getting them to the UK is super expensive. BUT I am visiting Dorset 18th to 22nd April and could meet or possibly post them? A bit of cash would be very useful but keen...
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    P38A Sad good bye

    Hi All, Well I have pondered what to say if anything. But I sold my P38 a few weeks ago. I wanted to say thank you to the great people on here who helped and commented and talked me through air suspension, rolled pins and clutches, BeCM redoing and fuel injection pumps. My favourite car I have...
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    P38A Have I told you my FIP story?

    In a far away part of the universe (Jersey), was a sad and lonely manual DT P38............ Anyway years ago the car was playing up and Wammers suggested the culprit was the quantity servo and not realising what and where that was I didn't change the pump straight away but eventually the penny...
  7. J

    P38A EAS approach and solenoids seals

    Hi All, hope everyone is as ok as can be? I was hopping to have more info but stuck indoors because of the weather. EAS been going down. Changed the airbags (secondhand but looked like new). I did 'drop' the front axle on the jack when I lowered i too quickly. After changing the airbags she...
  8. J

    P38A When do ball joints need changing?

    Having fixed the head lining with a tasteful job...... thought I should get mucky again so have changed the suspension air bags, have the EAS block out waiting for new seals (tonight hopefully). Currently also have the track rod out as both track rod ends were/are very wobble. whilst taking this...
  9. J

    P38A Hope ok to post this... what have I done wrong fitting my headlining back.......

    Thought this might make peps chuckle...... and to think I let lose with spanner’s on more complicated bits....... better get the screw driver......
  10. J

    P38A Ah so that why the new second hand FIP is not running smoothly...........

    Hi, I put a post asking for advice on changing a second hand FIP pump. Well having made no progress forward I took it off and had a look inside. Definitely rough and a bit concerned by the amount of debris!!!!! The chap I bought it from has been very helpful and sending me another. Thought some...
  11. J

    P38A What have I done wrong: Changing the FIP?

    Hi All, I hope everyone is OK? And sorry to trouble, not been here for a while as no point doing jobs on the old girl (not the Mrs) for obvious reason but thought I might get on with stuff. So Changed the FIP two years ago for a second hand unit. Then whilst away started to leak so changed the...
  12. J

    P38A Shall i have a change of vehicle? DT 2.5 manual ml270

    Hi, Not been here for a while, everything been running ok....... Hope everyone is safe and well. I am going to look at a early Mercedes ml270 with 87k miles £500. Looks OK in the photos. Shall I change my P38? She needs an injector pump change, have that in the garage, headlining and something...
  13. J

    P38A 95 diesel, Adjusting FIP after following excellent instructions to change or the seals

    Hi All, Sorry to trouble on a sunny Sunday afternoon. I have been following the excellent instructions about changing the seals in the FIP. All good so far except........ It is idling very roughly. Therefore I assume the quantity adjust housing part is not properly aligned. I was very careful...
  14. J

    P38A Will this FIP be an OK replacement for my FIP

    Hi All, Well have made it home but now have the decision to make about how to stop the pump leaking. 1) Scrap car. 2) Buy one of these: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/382645175945?ul_noapp=true It has the right part number 0460406994 but feel nervous about the fact range rover isn't listed. I have...
  15. J

    P38A Help advice please leaking FIP diesel.

    Sorry, I have tried the search but I am on my phone and it is proving difficult. A) head home. B) Not worry and do an additional 600 - 800 this week and then head to the ferry sat for a crossing to Denmark. Then 1100 to St Malo. C) Have a go at changing the seals, if that is what it is? Only...
  16. J

    P38A Manual diesel. Tyre pressure: lots of motor way driving planned.

    Hi all, Well I have bitten the bullet and booked the ferry for Thursday coming back 12 days later and have planned a trip to Norway (Atlantic highway area) from St Malo in france. I have a two sets of tyres but will go with the 255/55x16 (but also have a set of 235/70x16) but tyre pressure in...
  17. J

    P38 to Norway from St Malo, France.

    Hi, Don't know if this counts as an expedition but am booked on the ferry to France on Thu and intend to drive to Norway. I have sorted a couple of campsites in Norway (Atlantic road area) but was looking for some suggestions to have an overnight sleep on the way up perhaps from the...
  18. J

    P38A grease nipple on rear prop and o ring on pipe from top heater pipe

    Hi All, Sorry to trouble but since she is running so well have started tackling the other little jobs: All oils changed, inc steering pump, hot start fix removed and went to grease the shafts and UJs. Did a couple but gave up and have ordered a flexible connector for the grease gun but also...
  19. J

    P38A 95 diesel. Where is the quantity servo on the FIP?

    Hi Guys, Started a new thread as was hoping someone might spot this whilst I pick up daughter from dance (not in the range rover....) I have just removed the fuel injection pump from the engine and gone to fit the 'new' one and noticed a wired part was missing from the bottom at the back of...
  20. J

    P38A 95 diesel, manual. Have posted before: still running lumpy.......

    Hi All, Sorry to trouble again. I posted a couple of months ago about getting the above diagnosed when visiting UK ended up going to newforset 4x4 who were very helpful, especially when I turned up the day after they had scheduled me in............. They identified the alternator was US giving...