1. M

    35 max speed message

    Hello again So after getting the car off the bump stops I have the 35 max message Can this be cleared with the free rsw software Thanks
  2. M

    Air compressor

    Hello I have a Dunlop air compressor for the Eas system. As recommended I have tested the air pressure .I have removed the small blue pipe underneath and run the compressor . I was able to easily put my thumb over the outlet not much resistance, so I assume it’s weak My question is should I...
  3. M

    Diaphragm valve kit

    I’m in the process of buying a diaphragm valve kit for the valve block I’ve noticed some kits don’t have the hard black centre piece ? please see picture The first picture shows what some kits are selling the second picture is what I have Thanks Tony I’m
  4. M

    Air suspension problems

    Hello I’ve recently been having problems with my air suspension system on my p38 Range Rover it’s been taking forever to rise in the morning .Also whilst out shopping on Monday it would not rise at all and was on access level luckily I wasn’t far from home a very bumpy journey Today I was able...
  5. M

    Air suspension problems

    Hello I’ve recently been having problems with my air suspension system on my p38 Range Rover it’s been taking forever to rise in the morning .Also whilst out shopping on Monday it would not rise at all and was on access level luckily I wasn’t far from home a very bumpy journey Today I was able...
  6. M

    Window surrounds

    Hello I’m looking at replacing the window surrounds on my p38 All four need replacing the cost for new is about £200 each so I’m looking for used Can anyone help with guidance on how to replace them . Thank you kindly Tony