1. NowayPedro

    Timing 3.5 v8

    Hello all. Just trying to time my v8 on a s3. I'm wondering if the metal arrow timing marker that corresponds with timing marks on the pulley is irrelevant as it would have possibly been tthe marker for the original 2.5, four cylinder engine? If so how best to time the v8, by ear/trial and...
  2. NowayPedro

    Series 3 Red top pattern fuel pump pressure

    Hello I was wondering what pressure reading my patten red top electric fuel pump should be providing, how I could measure it and whether it can be regulated. It’s pushing fuel out of the over flow pipes on my twin SU’s and I know it’s not the floats/float settings or needle valves. Any ideas...
  3. NowayPedro

    Su carb heat shielding

    Hello Has anyone on here made/purchased/fitted heat shields to their su carbs on a 3.5 v8? Looking at the possibility of doing this but can't find much to go on out there. Cheers Paul
  4. NowayPedro

    Series 3 Weird one

    Hello all So it started with what can only be described as severe clutch judder when pulling away from a stand still. Park it up for a few hours or pver night and then it cures itself. Then half an hour of driving and it does it again. Juudders, shudders and shakes from the front. Feels like it...
  5. NowayPedro

    SU Carb being naughty!

    Any ideas wot this could be? SU carb starts racing high as engine gets warm. It's a Rover 3.5 V8 engine with twin SU's (only 1 carb is doing it). The tickover screw is just touching the end stop and starts off lovely at tick over. But once the engine gets warm it starts racing and makes the...
  6. NowayPedro


    So I'm going to replace the rad on my series 3. I want it to slot straight in but want a new aluminium core one. Most are out of stock but I have found one place that does them but it has plastic top and bottom. Is that normal? Worth buying?
  7. NowayPedro

    Electric fuel pump won’t stop priming.

    Evening all My electric fuel pump won’t stop making the priming noise when I turn on the ignition and causes the the twin SU’s to both drip fuel out of the overflow pipes and onto the ground. It continues when the engine runs too. It’s a 3.5 V8 fitted in my series 3. The fuel pump is a retro...
  8. NowayPedro

    Got a V8 in my series 3

    But it needs an upgraded radiator as the old one for the 4 cylinder engine isn’t coping at all well. Anyone got a series Landy on here with a rover v8 in it that has a radiator that copes ok? Any recommendations? Ive seen an aftermarket upgrade radiator specific for series landys with v8...
  9. NowayPedro

    Got a V8 in my series 3 Landy…..

    But it needs an upgraded radiator as the old one for the 4 cylinder engine isn’t coping at all well. Anyone got a series Landy on here with a rover v8 in it that has a radiator that copes ok? Any recommendations? Ive seen an aftermarket upgrade radiator specific for series landys with v8...
  10. NowayPedro

    Anyone know a Land Rover specialist in West London?

    Looking for a back street garage specialising in series Land rovers, Defenders and classics Range rovers. I live in Brentford West London. Not got out of my depth yet but good to have a garage recommendation if things go badly wrong. Cheers P.
  11. NowayPedro

    What running temperature

    Think my RV8 from a defender is running too hot. What temperature should they run at? It’s got after market cooling fans and it’s in a series 3. Thank you P.
  12. NowayPedro

    Clutch Claw wanted

    I’ve not been on here long enough to put this in the correct part of the forum. But I really would like to see if anyone has one for sale as they are very expensive!! Thanks a lot P.
  13. NowayPedro

    Ally block coolant

    Hello. Has anyone on here ever run a rover v8 engine? It has an alloy block so I need the right coolant. It has to be old school ethylene glycol but with additive for use with alloy block protection. I need the brand and the number on the tin if anyone knows coz I'm going round in circles on the...
  14. NowayPedro

    Hello from Brentford

    Hello After a lifetime of wanting one I now own my first Landy. It’s a very early series 3 88, fitted with a V8 from a defender. It hasn’t quite sunk in yet so all I’ve done really is take it for a spin and look at it quite a lot. It wee’d water on the way home but a new radiator cap sorted...