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    Expansion tank pipes

    Hi guys so I've almost got the disco back up and running after a long time. I've come across this pipe which would explain the coolant leak I had before but couldn't find. Where does it go too??
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    Rear chassis rails repair

    Hi guys so I took my td5 off the road a few months ago to sort a few things out. So I need some advice on this one what's the best way to repair the rust on the rear chassis rails?
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    Oil and coolant leak

    Hi guys so as the title says I have some leaks. Where and what are the likely culprits. So the coolant looks to be leaking from behind the left engine mount from a core plug ( looking at the engine from the front) oil wise. There is a lot on the front of the engine look like it's mid way up past...
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    Fuses and thermostat

    Hi guys so it won't let me upload a photo. Says I have no access. So the fuses that aren't working are all to to with lights and one that says SM. Also the heating is none existing which leads me to think thermostat? Heated seats aren't working either. Two 3amp fuses either side nothing there...
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    Hi guys so yesterday the prop came off the front diff. New bolt and seal done but a lot of play so need a diff. Now the wife did say it sounds like a bricks in a washing machine. And it sounds like this lifting the clutch up a bit.
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    Prop and diff

    Hi guys sorry if this is in the wrong place still finding my way around. My wife was driving the D2 today and a a whining noise occured followed by a bang then she pulled over. So on inspection the prop has come off the splines in the diff. Bolt worked it's way loose. So questions I have is. How...
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    Cranking but not starting

    Hi guys I hope someone could shed some light. I'm on holiday in Exmouth Devon. My disco td5 has been fine. Went to the shop. Went round a corner and it cut out. Fuel was low so walked for fuel and primed it a few times. But still no luck.