1. thefrog

    My Experience with Ethanol E85

    Hi Everyone, I was trying to run my FL1 1.8 on Ethanol, but I had an engine light if I went over 3/4 of Ethanol in the fuel tank. So I got some bigger injectors from China. The blue one is the original No more engine light with full Ethanol tank. I can fill the tank for 38 € (45 litres X...
  2. thefrog

    The dreaded head gasket

    Hi Everyone, The time has come, I thought I would be spared, but no. I have coolant disappearing and I can see mayonnaise in the oil, the car temperature is normal. It has 140.000 Km So I will do this, It will be my first head gasket change. I've been looking in the forum and I understand I...
  3. thefrog

    Is this correct ?

    HI, I saw this video and the guy seems to say that the 4x4 system is not permanent. Its starts at 33:45 He is wrong, right ?
  4. thefrog

    puddle in the lower boot

    Hi Everyone, I have a leak in the boot well, and I had to drill a hole under to let the water out (there are now plugs to remove). it's been raining for weeks and the water came back. Has someone had this problem ? Thanks
  5. thefrog

    >Water flowing in bowl when cold

    Hi Everyone, When the car is cold and engine off, some pipes are squashed (see picture) When I start the engine, I see water flowing in the bowl (see Video) http://labarette.free.fr/xfer/freelander/FreelanderBowl.mp4 I think this is not normal (?) What do you think ? Thanks
  6. thefrog

    Failing hydraulic clutch, How long do I have ?

    Hi Everyone, I'm on holiday and the gears are harder and harder to pass, the clutch pedal is really soft. It happend 15 km ago I have a 2002 1.8 and I think I cannot add fluid ? Do you know how many km I have left ? I'm a 150 km from home Thanks
  7. thefrog

    Changing the IRD on my 1.8 K Freelander

    Hi Everyone, After successfully changing the timing belt & water pump, with the help of this forum, I now need to change the broken IRD and the stuck VCU. I've got a second hand IRD which is good. The Haynes manual says I need to remove the sub Frame as my Freelander is post 2001 Is this true ...
  8. thefrog

    Freelander 1 Timing Belt Change

    HI Everyone, I'm trying to change the timing belt on my 1.8 Freelander. It has been done last in 2011 I've positioned the pulley to TDC, locked the fly wheel with a special tool, and removed the big pulley wheel. As you can see in the picture, the cog is not aligned correctly. Does this mean...
  9. thefrog

    Freelander 1 Petrol 1.8 -Front prop Shaft Leak-

    Hello, I have a Leak in my front shaft as you can see in the picture. I damaged it while removing the complete shaft to remove the VCU The garage says I need to buy a complete front shaft, as I cannot replace the rubber ? Is this true ? Thanks for your help
  10. thefrog

    My Freelander 1 Petrol 1.8 Hard Top

    Hello, I just bought this Land Rover with a lot of work to do ! - Seized VCU - Broken transfert box - Timing belt needs changing - Back seat missing But only 126.000 Km and nice bodywork