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    Body Alignment Help Needed

    So before I get into this, it’s worth knowing what I’m working with, I have a 1972 2.25L Petrol Series 3 88”. I have put this vehicle on a new galvanised Chassis from Marsland, and a new galvanised Bulkhead from Shielder. My struggle is with aligning the body of my vehicle, having spent quite...
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    Puma Defender Diff Plugs

    So I need to top up the diff oil in our 2012 2.2L Defender 90 but don’t have the correct socket for removing the differential fill plug in order to do so, could anyone tell me what socket I need? Cheers.
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    Defender Front Brake Disc Replacement

    Hi there, I am going to be undertaking the job of replacing all the brake discs on my mothers Defender 90, however, I was wondering if I actually have to remove the front brake hose to do so, is it not possible to just hang the caliper from the suspension spring whilst I work instead? I am...
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    Limp Mode For No Reason??

    Hi guys, so my defender 110 has been going into limp mode whenever being driven at high speeds for a long period of time along the motorway and I have no idea why, it’s been back and forth to a mechanic for quite some time now and I’m not entirely convinced they know exactly what they’re looking...