1. R

    Power fold wing mirror repair

    My driver's side power fold wing mirror has developed a problem, seems to fold in OK (usually) but then has problems folding back out. I'm guessing some of the internal gears have stripped, but can't for the life of me find any info online how I can access these. Does the whole unit need to come...
  2. R

    L322 Power steering

    Hi all. There's a godawful noise coming from the front of my engine, kinda whining/grating, worse when turning the wheel. I'm guessing it's the power steering pump. Am I right? I've checked the fluid and its about an inch and a half below minimum and a coffee colour. - do I just top up and hope...
  3. R

    Rusty pipes near oil filter

    Hi all, changed the oil on my 05 supercharged RR the other day and noticed some very rusty pipes coming from the oil filter mount. Should these be replaced? Is this a DIY job? I'll try and upload a picture... Thanks Tom
  4. R

    4.2 SC LOTS of white smoke...

    Hello all, new to the forum and new to Range Rovers. We bought an 05 4.2 SC with LPG last week - what an awesome machine, well, that is to say it was an awesome machine. Sequence of events as follows: - check engine light came up: lean on both banks, figured it was because of the LPG, cleared...