1. Hippo

    Freelander 1 Rave disk maintenanve manual and wiring diagrams

    If you can see adverts on this page selling car repair manuals, DONT click on them. They're sneaky adverts from google which detect words used in this fred, on the chance you will be attracted to click on said advert. The adverts are trying to get you to pay for manuals which you can get from...
  2. Hippo

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Wiring diagrams and maintenance manual

    If you can see adverts on this page selling car repair manuals, DONT click on them. They're sneaky adverts from google which detect words used in this fred, on the chance you will be attracted to click on said advert. The adverts are trying to get you to pay for manuals which you can get from...
  3. Hippo

    Freelander 2 (LR2) FL2 SD4 Turbo actuator vane fail - Fixed

    MY15 SD4 uk spec. Drove home ok with no problem. Stop and start the engine twice to open gates and garage doors. On the second start 'restricted performance' appeared on the dash. Checked the diagnostic and no error codes. Looked at the dpf and it was on 22. Doesn't need regeneration to empty it...
  4. Hippo

    Dunsfold request for help on Overfinch 2nd Gen EAS upgrade

    From the link: "We’re hoping one of our followers will be able to help? The Dunsfold collection is looking for manuals or technical information on the Overfinch second generation EAS upgrade for Range Rover.
  5. Hippo

    P38A Range Rover P38 Driver Seat modification

    Posted on behalf of @lazbaz Hi friends, I have a friend who has great difficulty getting into the driver seat. Can it be modified so that it can move 2-4 inch beyond the present limit by some form of modification to the rail? I understand that the knee space behind will be reduced. Any...
  6. Hippo

    Freelander 1 FL1 replacement brake switch photo needed

    One of our fellow Freelander owners is replacing his brake switch but can't get hold of the intermediate cable loom easily. I don't have one I can photograph for him to look at. Can someone with a FL1 with a new style brake switch and the intermediate cable take some photo's of it and put them...
  7. Hippo

    Other Freelander mini video's for LR

    Land Rover want owners to create sort mini video's of their model vehicles and send them to LR, to be included in a video they plan to make by stitching lots of owner contributed video's together. As per the video request below. Lets make sure they get lots of Freelander mini video's anorl. ;)...
  8. Hippo

    Other CANCELLED - Land rover forum for sale

    Land rover forum for sale. Starts and drives ok but keeps cutting out. Loads of repair receipts. Chassis fixed with roses tin. Would suit anyone wanting a headache. Open to offers. Nowt less than a box of 40 curly wurlys.
  9. Hippo

    Other Merry Christmas Freelanderers

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year from me and my Freelander to you and your Freelander. May all yer Freelanderin dreams come true in 2020. .
  10. Hippo

    JLR buys Bowler

    https://media.jaguarlandrover.com/en-gb/news/2019/12/jaguar-land-rover-acquires-all-terrain-performance-specialist-bowler .
  11. Hippo

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Freelander 2 haldex oil and filter change video

    Experienced Freelander 2 owners change their haldex oil every 20,000 miles. They change the haldex filter every 40,000 miles. This is not listed on the land rover service sheet but still needs doing to keep your haldex in good working order. It will help to reduce the chance of the haldex...
  12. Hippo

    Register your valuables www.immobilise.com

    Immobilise.com is a free to use web site which allows you to create an account and register items like phones, valuables and power tools etc on it. The police have access to search it when they find stolen goods. https://www.immobilise.com Info about them: https://www.immobilise.com/about
  13. Hippo

    Other Finding someone int north Wales

    I'm trying to get int contact with someone I met oft ere somewhere around 2012 int north Wales. Can't remember user name and can't find contact details. That day I solved an auto gearbox fault and took yer though changing the fluid. We also did another 2 Freelander's owned by yer friends. Did...
  14. Hippo

    Can we have more trophy options to win?

    Can we have more trophy options to win?
  15. Hippo

    Email alerts stopped

    I have noticed email alerts for fred's yer subscribed to have stopped coming through. No problems with emails being blocked at my end. Wondered if they have been discontinued as a forum feature or broke'd? On screen top right alerts still work ok.
  16. Hippo


    I’m creating another Freelander fred. I need multiple consecutive posts to put it up. All will be revealed soon. Until then yer’ll have to wait. Don’t post on this fred. There’s a buffet and some fizzy pop for thems who pop in for a look. But yer still can’t post on me fred. Anyone caught...
  17. Hippo

    Stolen black 110 tratter Halifax - CK11 AEY

    CK11AEY CK11 AEY fer google search Original details from a new member who posted them int Introduction section over ere: https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/lost-land-rover-110.331479/ @McGillRoss said: Stolen last night at 03;15hrs on Whitehead Road, Halifax. Please keep eyes peeled...
  18. Hippo

    Yarwell oft road - sold

    Looks like the yarwell off road site run by protrax has been sold. Does anyone know any more about this? Will the new owner run it as an oft road pay and play site? The site seems to be heavily water logged and has been for a while from looking at video's on you tube. Link below says the site...
  19. Hippo

    Foiled tracker theft - Disco3 forum

    There's a fred on the D3 forum where a member found a tracking device fitted to his chassis. They spotted someone leaving the drive way and captured it on cctv. If you spot someone loitering around yer vehicle or taking interest in it with no reason to do so then yer may want to check it over...
  20. Hippo

    Other cancelled
