1. M

    P38A Finally have time to be back on forums again

    Hello all, I finally have time on my hands again. I have sad and good news. Sad news (if anyone didn't know) is that Dave3d passed away, and I bought his P38 from his lovely wife. The EAS block now refurbished, compressor to follow once the parts arrive (hopefully today). It has the Arnott bags...
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    P38A Suspect front diff on the way out

    Happy Easter all, Sorry I've been quiet but work has got in the way again. Since the below has happened it's been parked up. It will be a museum fuel tank soon as the fuel was £1.02 a litre when it was filled up :D:D:D It started on a drive back from Warwick a few weeks ago, around 120 mile...
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    P38A Limousin and back - no problems for the first time ever

    Firstly big thanks to Mark for letting me abuse him again. It was fun. That's all I'm saying :cool: Oh and helping me bleed the brakes, swap the pads, rotate the wheels and fit my new Terrafirma shocks. No complaints from SWMBO on the ride quality being worse, she says it feels much better now...
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    P38A Rear outer light cluster nuts - same as glowplugs!

    In case this happens to anyone else, whilst on my bulb swapping expedition I found that my rear offside outer light cluster had lost one nut and was about to lose another! No idea how after all these years but luckily I found it. Anyway looking at the surviving nut I thought that looks...
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    P38A Definitive bulbs list wanted please

    Hi all, I have used the search but it's not coming up with a full bulb type. i'm sure Wammer's sent it to me a long time ago but I've lost it. Does anyone have the complete list of bulb types please. Rave is not very clear. My rear outer lights, middle bulb has blown but I can't find an H168...
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    P38A Timing chains and sprockets install - what else is required?

    Hi all, I have the rave printouts with me and rave on my pc. I have purchased this TC0930FK full timing chain kit from Advance factors. I'm trying to ascertain what else I need as I've read some can do this without removing the head and sump and RAVE says you need to remove / undo both. The...
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    P38A GEMS 4.6 lpg or DSE for long trips?

    I have a chance for a 4.6 LPG (multipoint) and have spoken with the owner. The only problem he knows of is the HEVAC book comes on and goes off. New block with top hats fitted and head gaskets swapped out in the last 12 months. Is this a good buy for 600 miles a week commuting? Cornwall to...
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    P38A DSE autobox - ideas please. It was going too well.... SOLVED

    Hi all, Just asking for sage advice here (from the 3 wise men, and any others as well :cool:). I have changed ATF oil after 6 months - it was almost black Changed the in tank fuel pump as I found it had failed Changed the fuel filter as well So I don't think it's a fuel starvation issue - but...
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    P38A P38 diesel DSE - leaking heater feed pipe on the engine block

    Hi all, Starter packed up again so it got removed and is being repaired over the weekend. However I found another problem that I didn't spot when I removed it last time :rolleyes:. The opposite end coolant pipe (heater feed pipe) at the rear of the engine appears to be leaking. I can't fix it...
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    P38A Heater box binding the flaps with pictures

    Hi all, I have a spare heater box and decided to look at why after managing to get all but the top 2 flaps out, sanded back and now smoothly running, that after reassembly it jammed up again. I sanded back all the ends of the shafts (plastic) with wet and dry and took my time. They are all now...
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    P38A For todays trick the fuse box burned out - in France. Solved - new fuse box now fitted and working

    Bloody car. So my wife drives to the village for the morning bread run, parks up, buys bread gets back into car. Turns key. Click. Turns key again. Click. Walks 2.5 miles back home. So I walk back this afternoon to inspect (intuition is now saying fuse box must be todays gremlin). Open the...
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    P38A Diesel M51 Fuel Injection pump cheap on ebay

    Currently £50 and 1 bid, 302958499946. Not mine by the way.
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    For Sale P38A Air filter ESR341R £5 plus postage

    For sale as it doesn't fit my P38 DSE air filter box, bought by mistake. £5 plus postage cheers, Hoppy
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    P38A EAS woes again but different! Solved

    Hi all, The EAS has been working now for 3 months. Gremlins have now struck. Does anyone know what could cause the EAS to pressurise to 120 then depressurise to 20ish, then pressurise to 110, then depressurise, then to 80 psi then depressurise. Then it won't pressurise again? I suspect the...
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    P38A French P38ers - plan my emergency stops and tea/coffee stops :-)

    Hi all, We have a petit maison in Rochechouart and on our next run down if anyone is feeling sociable and not *too* far off the peage myself & SWMBO are happy to share a cuppa :D Calais - A16, A28, A10, Rouens, Tours, Le Mans & Poitiers. Sunray also says even if anyone is not feeling sociable...
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    P38A SRS airbag fault - Nanocom code 065 - SOLVED & fixed!

    Hi guys, I have changed the rotary coupler for an flea bay special as after reading many of these SRS posts it's mostly the rotary coupler that's the problem. I have searched on here and no code 065 specific posts that I can find. Nanocom gives me this code now: CODE 065 INVALID FAULT CODE...
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    P38A Replacement engine and now it works - P38 DSE

    Hi all, My FIP saga finally ended when I bought a replacement engine. Trying to find reputable P38 mechanics / specialists is a bloody nightmare as we all know. All I wanted was the static timing done. Then I noticed the occasional EML flash as my foot lifted from the throttle. Search RR sites...
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    P38A Poor mans way of checking keyfob batteries

    Happy New Year all, Due to the limited window of opportunity with swapping out dying remote batteries before the fobs lose sync I now use an RTL USB TV dongle with SDR software (usb sticks are about £6-10 from fleabay or similar. SDR console is free or GQRX in Linux). A very cheap spectrum...
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    P38A in tank pump replacement completed

    Hi all, More love from my P38 :-) P38, 2.5 dse, older ally manifold engine. V reg Car was getting harder and harder to start then just stopped. Sounded like no fuel getting through. Now for fault finding fun! Put clear pipe between filter & FIP. Fitted new fuel filter (just in case). Fully...
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    P38A Turbo out, exhaust manifold off - broken & missing bolts

    Hi all, I finally got the turbo off to clean & check it and the waste gate. Waste gate actuator seemed stuck but after some persuasion with wd40 and a bit of time it's now moving. Actuator seems ok now so I'm going to refit unless someone has advice otherwise. Does anyone have either the part...