1. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    @neilly oh and no didn't manage to download that manual. Seems my knowledge of how to use .iso files is as patchy as my mechanics. Have a manual dl'ed from some site but not all that helpful so far as leafing through to find relevant parts is a bit of a nightmare.
  2. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    @neilly Thanks for this. I think you may be right on getting the whole thing out so the engineers can sort the helico properly. Wouldn't want to bodge it myself and cause more harm then having to take it to them anyway. Thanks for that link - v useful. Sure it's easy for you lot but seems...
  3. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Righto. Anyone listening who has said kit and inclination, let me know what kind of cake/sandwiches/beer you like and i'd be most happy to supply.
  4. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    It may have already been yes. It's a 95 model so it's been around a while and is bound to have had some work done to it. What do you suggest next step? Happy to have a go at putting bolt back in as is but surely that will only damage more?
  5. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    As promised @blue beasty Looks pretty shredded to me. Have been watching videos about how to put in a helicoil and feeling pretty nervous about doing it and bu**ering the casing. Is there a way to get it off without too much trouble so that i can get engineer that @boguing suggested? Between...
  6. wildey87

    Trying to fix up my injured 300TDI

    Trying to fix up my injured 300TDI
  7. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Thanks all. @blue beasty I'll try to get a photo for you in the week. Too dark now! If it looks good to helicoil, how abouts do i do that? If not, i may need all your help in how to get the casing off. May be a big old job but then again it may help with my seized alternator bolt situation...
  8. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    It may have been in the wrong way around but that wouldn't been from previous owner. i am not sure how deep the whole is in casing as cant see without taking out the radiator or something. If it was deep enough to turn the bolt around that would be good but not sure if that's the case!
  9. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    No i didn't take out before stripped. Would helicoil be strong enough? Or need whole new casing?
  10. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Hi all. Sorry it's SW17 (Tooting)! I've had another look and i fear the casing has been stripped. Gutted. As i imagine this is probably going to cause some bother and possibly a fair cost. I'll post a picture of the coil but as i said, i looked in the casing and it looks to me like it has...
  11. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...London

    FYI - just found a magnet.The coil stuff is not magnetic. Does that mean it's likely to be stripped thread from the casing? Would this be something else i need to replace??
  12. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Hi all, Started a thread on this in the intro section but apparently this is the place to put it. Have been proud owner of 110 300TDI for approx 6 months now and had first mishap a week ago. Drive belt shredded so ended up getting towed. It seems that tensioner has gone as has alternator...
  13. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...London

    Ah okay. That's what i thought - phew! So the problem is basically that i don't have threadlock and i don't know how to torque tighten the stud on it's own. I had managed to replace the tensioner without taking stud out and it had been after then torquing the nut up that i felt it was all a...
  14. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...London

    This 'stud' vs 'nut' confused me and i read a thread somewhere saying you tighten nut to 45nm and referred to it as the bit that attached to the engine. Was i totally wrong? Which is stud and which is nut? Luckily i didn't tighten it too long so hopefully little if any damage done. Can't tell...
  15. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...London

    I phone. Sorry. But yes seemed like a coil on the thread of the tensioner bolt once I removed it. Does that sound like a telltale sign that thread is stripped? Don't want to start torquing it up to end up buggering it up further. I'll post in main section for sure.
  16. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...London

    Haha. Thanks both of you. Trying a socket extension thing on the rusty bolt. Not sure re the thread. Seems okay but was a fair amount of gunk and what seemed like a could in the thread if
  17. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...London

    Hi all, Been the proud owner of a 110 300TDI for the past 6 months and had my first incident a week or so ago. The fan belt shredded and i got recovered home but from what i can tell the tensioner and alternator need replacing. Got the parts and some tools for myself yesterday and started to...