1. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    No the botch job was middle one.
  2. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Hi chaps. Decided to leave the stud for now. Had a go at removing but didn't come easy and figured I'll attack again in the summer when I have more light! Put it all back together last night and hey presto she works. Only thing unsure on was the alternator wiring. The non live wire I only...
  3. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Oh one more. Is this right fluid for refilling PAS reservoir?
  4. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Right. Done that courtesy of Irwin bolt grips and perseverance! Naismith have re tapped the hole for me so all set to reassemble except... ...I've noticed what looks like an old botch job on the water pump bolts. One (see photo attached) the three long bolts is actually a threaded bar of some...
  5. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Great socket set. That and the shock spray sailed though most of the work. Just 2 bolts on the PAS that wouldn't go and then this nightmare nut.
  6. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Also. Less urgent but lost a lot of the fluid from the pas pipes and think a bit of dripping coolant may have got in too. Any particular one use when topping up? I'm in Halfords now
  7. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Sorry I may have confused you. I have already removed the PAS pipes. I'm on the three fixings that attach the front casing to the block (2xbolts and 1xnut). It's the nut that I can't shift. See last bit of this for what I mean...
  8. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Sorry - to answer other q's. Seized solid so far. Can't get to spin as nut just crumbles.
  9. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Any clues as to what? I don't have that many tools...though this is changing quickly! Heas is crap at the other end too so may be cutting both off?
  10. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Hey James sorry it's not that one I'm talking about (though I couldn't shift that either so stil useful!) It's the nut holding the casing on.
  11. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Was using a 12mm ratchet spanner as not much room for socket. Tried a socket after. Even tried 1/2 inch in case it worked but no luck. Is the next bet one of those that essentially chews into the nut? Ruining it but that's replaceable?
  12. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Agggghhhh. So close. Did the PAS. Did 2 bolts holding to casing but the long bolt and nut are completely stuck and as with many others on my 110, the fixings are crumbling when I try to loosen. Literally the last hurdle before I can get it over to engineer. Any ideas or tips? Have tried...
  13. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Hi all. Progress is happening. Alternator off with the magic shock spray. 2 of 4 bolts out of PAS pump but the others are crumbling and not shifting despite spray, socket, breaker bar, chisel and hammer! My alt plan is to drain PAS system too and remove casing with PAS pump intact. That way the...
  14. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Good work. I ended up getting 200pc on my way home last night. Could probably have haggled for a few quid off but half price ain't bad. Thanks for the advice all. Fingers crossed all will help me actually get the job done!
  15. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Nice. Thanks. Think it's unlikely but i'll ask around!
  16. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    hmm link works but im not getting the same prices as you?
  17. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Yeah - that link would be great. On website it's £150 for the 170 or £175 for the 200. (120 piece is £100)
  18. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Nice - good to know. They've got them on half price now for 120, 170 or 200 piece set. Is 170 fine. It's 25 quid more for the 200 but don't want to get if totally pointless amount of extras!
  19. wildey87

    Clueless landy owner in need of help...SW17 (Tooting) London

    Nice. Any other verdicts on Halfords socket sets? Or alternatives? They look fine and lifetime guarantee very appealing! But Hfords does seem a polarising topic on here