1. dizzytim

    Alternator Query

    Early 300tdi was a larger pulley and later they changed to a smaller pulley, there is 2 different belts smaller pulley takes a belt 15mm longer so not a lot, larger pulley will make your rev counter ( tachometer ) read lower on a disco as it picks up from the alternator, no issues with charging...
  2. dizzytim

    EP80/90 or EP90 .....

    Obviously you couldn't find the ' introduce yourself section' but you found a 2yr old thread ok :D
  3. dizzytim

    discovery 1 body lift

    Looks like you've got everything there you need, the brass hex bar with the thread is the extension for the transfer box lever, just remove the nob and shroud by unscrewing put ext on then srew nob back on and jobs a good one :) Metric bolts are a tad wider than originals so might be a bit...
  4. dizzytim

    discovery 1 body lift

    Radiator stays on the chassis need pin adapters at the top to lengthen so will fit original top mounts, transfer box ext as will be too low, loosen steering rod to allow slippage when lifting ( tighten when complete, ext seatbelt anchors ( body to chassis ) rear bumper if standard will need...
  5. dizzytim

    Locked out, in a pickle.

    If you can get jump leads onto starter feed wire you could use your fob to open, if not water and washing up liquid on drive to assist slipping would help reduce pressure on transmission, could always ring your breakdown if you've got home start? 'O' too slow lol
  6. dizzytim

    200tdi drowned , repair or replace?

    Isn't yellow backwards WOLLEY lol, must admit when I started doing more extreme stuff I kept breaking stuff, every time I broke something I replaced it with updated stuff until I stopped having to use the big yellow taxi :) Still break the odd shaft or cv but carry spares so can fix at scene...
  7. dizzytim


    Well done Scott, another success for LZIR
  8. dizzytim


    Bit late to reply but at work till midnight and was busy with breakdowns :) If you got AA cover why not get a tech out to have a look? You never know I might get the job as done a few AA jobs tonight lol
  9. dizzytim

    Welsh green lanes

    As ginge said nobody knows you as a new member, he said sorry and explained how it works, nobody will put any references to lane locations on a open forum and hope you will not be going alone!. Your last sentence is unessasary as if you ask a question on here for help with a problem on your...
  10. dizzytim

    What years are missing?

    Now '98 disco Previous '72 series 3 '88 rrc '90 disco '91 rrc '94 disco '97 p38
  11. dizzytim

    Speedo problems

    Thanks, that was my initial thought, have got spare so will try it :)
  12. dizzytim

    Speedo problems

    Speedo works for about 20 or so miles then jumps up and down then stops working, on leaving it for a wile it all works again? Thought I'd ask before swapping bits to try, thought someone may have come across this before, cheers Tim
  13. dizzytim

    oh dear i am NO mechanic!

    Turbo pipes run from turbo to Intercooler then Intercooler to inlet ( plenum ) on freelander you'll see 2 of them at the front of engine, oil on the outside of these will indicate a boost leak, have seen a few split
  14. dizzytim

    oh dear i am NO mechanic!

    Welcome and check your boost (turbo pipes) for splits
  15. dizzytim

    Shropshire lanes

    Try the for sale section on here, might be not so local but worth traveling for the right motor, you'll get a more honest description as well :)
  16. dizzytim

    Long time lurker!

    Just quoting 'useful' , it's to stop people just coming on and selling stuff and going without contributing to the forum
  17. dizzytim

    Long time lurker!

    Yes 50 useful post b4 you can post in for sale! Welcome by the way
  18. dizzytim

    Special tracks high risk of damage?

    I use 285/75-16 on mine, and yes I have them balanced, I use mine quite hard off road and first 18 months did 3 diffs and 1 rear half shaft, then put air lockers in and done 2 rear shafts since and blew a cv ( was my fault was in deep mud and on full lock ) If your steady with them you...
  19. dizzytim

    Nant-y-Moch (Devils Bridge) How far will a Defender lean

    Good choice as can case damage if you get it wrong, took my mirror off there lol
  20. dizzytim

    Nant-y-Moch (Devils Bridge) How far will a Defender lean

    I know that lane lol, you turned round just before the rock step ( you won't get up that without lockers ) it only runs for a further 50 yds then you have to turn round anyway. Does have some severe angles though :) Profile pic is on that bit you drop tha front wheel in lol