1. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    perfect thanks, that's exactly what I will do then. As for the chemical, I guess phosphoric acid will do the job, or Jenolite converter, if that's what I have! All i know is mine is a black bottle, red cap, pink watery liquid inside
  2. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    Thanks, not looking for pretty at all, just protected :)
  3. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    Thanks but I am a bit confused. I thought Jenolite is a converter. The instructions say to paint it over rust and then paint over that, and it stops the rust in its tracks. More to the point, Bonda says it has rust inhibitors in it so can be applied straight to rust, wondering if I should use...
  4. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    Can you elaborate on "chemical removal using an organic acid." I have Jenolite, and a bottle of Phosphoric acid which a friend of mine said is the best treatment for rust. Anyone got any thoughts on using it on disco chassis instead of purpose made stuff like Bilt Hamber products?
  5. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    Ha, YES! Don't throw it, I can assure you it's perfect once mixed. I had the same, ebay seller said they sell loads but have been out of stock so that "know" they have brand new batch which has "only just been made". Yeah, bollox! They sent me another free of charge so I am not complaining, as...
  6. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    Used a whole pot of this now and got another one coming. I have a question, if this stuff is as good as it seems, why wouldn't we consider using it on Landy chassis instead of the usual waxoyl type products? I have some Bilt Hamber products ready to do my chassis when I can, but wondering why...
  7. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    Update - after ten minutes with a screw driver, crushing the big chunks from the bottom, I did manage to get it all dissolved back in. its more red than orange now :D Damn good stuff I have to say! My only question now is whether it should be overcoated. the manufacturer told me it should be...
  8. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    Ha, I have a frigging box full of tent pegs! For a fiver I didn't bother thinking much but I will do that as well !
  9. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    Thanks. I was going to pop it in the oven. JOKE :D
  10. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    Got myself one of these, if anything will work that should! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/202936809724?hash=item2f3ff9f8fc:g:VG8AAOSwm-deb5o6
  11. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    Yes I will go for 1l next time for that reason too. I have heard back and they said: "Thank you for the photo. No the stock is not old, no more than 3 weeks at most, we only just replenished that size tin from Bonda at the beginning of the month, it had been out of stock for ages at the factory...
  12. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    DAMMIT! That means I painted without the zinc, and now can't get to the rust surface! It's like dried chewing gum, no idea how to shift it. The clumps don't mix back in. I am speaking to the company to check batch numbers. I have one of those drill stirring attachments but it's huge, wont fit in...
  13. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    Well I got my bonda primer. Nobody told me it's the colour of Tango :D Amazing stuff as many have said above. Bonds brilliantly. I hammered and scrubbed off all loose rust then painted on. boy it goes a long way too which is good at fifteen squid a tin! Can see me using a lot of this. I have a...
  14. J

    Trailer/Hub question

    Thanks. Yep, I did think about a tiny spot weld of bolt head to wheel frame, just to belt and braces it :D
  15. J

    Trailer/Hub question

    The hubs don't have studs, just holes for the wheel bolts
  16. J

    Trailer/Hub question

    That's interesting thanks. So proper wheels fitted properly with the original nuts should be ok you think? (in theory)
  17. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    Lack of MY use is all I can speak to :D
  18. J

    Trailer/Hub question

    Had a bit of a disaster yesterday. I had to go just a few miles to collect a shed on trailer. Trailer is very old farm trailer but not totally rotten, been in use for years. It had a leaky wheel so I put another wheel on which didn't QUITE fit snug, so i put 4 washers behind the wheel (between...
  19. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    Sounds bloody fantastic! What I have been hoping for for years! Just got myself a pot, look forward to trying it. I will try it on my wife's sex toy drawer lock. (if only she had one :D)
  20. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    Thanks, when you say finishing off the rust, do you mean mechanically, or chemically with something like Jenolite?