1. J

    Disco 2 Considering a galvanised replacement chassis

    I didn't understand the first line at all. Are you saying welding downhill is not as strong as uphill? The pic was handy, I didn't know what you meant about the "corners" but I do now! Not sure if my one comes like that or full box section without slits along corners.
  2. J

    Disco 2 Considering a galvanised replacement chassis

    Ha, that's pretty much what we discussed. When I thought it would be two butted ends, an internal plate both sides or a box section to slot inside was the plan. But now i know the chassis comes with flared ends (its bigger box than original) so it slots over and overlaps around 5-6 inches which...
  3. J

    Disco 2 Considering a galvanised replacement chassis

    Thanks Lynall. Well I have spent a week welding up a very old trailer, replacing some crap metal with slightly better spare bits I had lying around. It's not complete pigeon ****. I have a new Lincoln Bester inverter welder (mig, tig or arc, i'd use mig for this) and it works bloody well, makes...
  4. J

    Disco 2 Considering a galvanised replacement chassis

    Gotcha, yes we specifically looked for one that could get past that as wasn't much point spending so much time/money without going past there. Also hoped it would be easier to weld on the straight further forward, although still not sure how easy the welding will be!
  5. J

    Disco 2 Considering a galvanised replacement chassis

    My chassis is worse than yours was? Yes it's deterioriated fast here, scary fast. Not sure what an ARB pipe is, but yes I want this longer one to get past that cross-member and well past any scaliness/rust
  6. J

    Disco 2 Considering a galvanised replacement chassis

    That's exactly the plan. The problem is that last bit! The only GOOD mobile welder round these parrrrts is no longer available. I didn't know it was poisonous! I did a lot of welding to get my old trailer fixed up recently, ground off the galv and welded. Maybe that's why I was seeing dragons...
  7. J

    Disco 2 Considering a galvanised replacement chassis

    The galvanising option adds £168 to the price of that linked chassis above, the price quoted is the chassis without galvanising. I have to believe my friend who's been doing up landies mainly but discos too for many years, was a landy mechanic at one time. He isn't a God, but he's the best I...
  8. J

    Disco 2 Considering a galvanised replacement chassis

    Ha ha ha, my thinking pretty much exactly. D3 have their own "nuances" as you say, and I just love the D2s, always have. My chassis isn't "fukked", not like my last one which was totally rotted out. It's been lovely all it's life, but then I brought it to the seaside (with zero coatings...
  9. J

    Disco 2 Considering a galvanised replacement chassis

    I got a great body don't you worry bout that! :D She's good, very clean underside of body, but will take the opportunity to squirt something on her if go ahead with chassis
  10. J

    Disco 2 Considering a galvanised replacement chassis

    There's an option for the galvanised finish. It's about 3-4 times the work to do full chassis, plus over 2 grand more. I would love to do full chassis and would if i could afford it. The way I see it, if this costs me 2k all in, it would most likely add that to value (near enough, I have seen...
  11. J

    Disco 2 Considering a galvanised replacement chassis

    HA HA HA HA Funny you say that, as **** like that OFTEN turns me off a purchase, even a 5 quid item on ebay! But in my experience, have to give some leeway for metalworkers and engineering types! Without wanting to slur anyone, as it's a generalisation, but I know some very talented engineers...
  12. J

    Disco 2 Considering a galvanised replacement chassis

    Well, I can't be surprised given how much I have already said stuff ROTS for FUN where I live (very salty air!) but it looks like my D2 which I bought with a nice solid chassis a year to 18 months ago, is now not looking good at the back end of the chassis. I have done years of welding for...
  13. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    Dammit! It does look perfect for that. So a good rub down then paint with one or two coats? Do you brush or spray? What do you put over the Bonda, if anything? Any Stags? Friend of mine had one 25 years ago and we drove from London to Edinburgh in summer with top down, what a bloody lovely...
  14. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    I am really torn between that idea and using the Bilt Hamber Dynax products I have already bought to do my disco chassis! Totally stumped. This Bonda stuff isn't talked about for chassis's much, but having seen it on my trailer and a few other bits, I am seriously wondering if it's better than...
  15. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    Thanks, never heard of that. I was thinking of something I can buy a decent size pot of, and use spray gun/air compressor to spray it on, or even just brush as that would do fine. Maybe there is bed liner paint in that form. will have a look. certainly sounds tough which would be good
  16. J

    Best paint over fresh weld?

    Can anyone comment on how cold galv spray compares to Bonda, as a first and only coat over bare metal or fresh welds? Also wondering if anyone can suggest the cheapest option for a topcoat metal paint, cheap as poss in bulk ideally, for farm machinery and other coarse metals which have been...
  17. J

    Does diesel go off?

    Interesting stuff, glad I asked! Thanks, wish I could afford a diesel boat, my 2 smoke goes nicely enough though :)
  18. J

    Does diesel go off?

    I know petrol goes off after a while (arguably prevented with fuel additive), but does the same thing happen to diesel? I have some jerry cans and wondering how long the diesel will be usable for if stored cool and dark