1. J

    Disco 2 How do I stop internal lights coming on?

    mine have small buttons (one per light) but that doesn't turn them off when doors are open, it just turns them on when they are shut (for passengers to read with or whatever). I think black tape or bulb removal look like the best options, thanks everyone
  2. J

    Disco 2 How do I stop internal lights coming on?

    Well it worked but the 40" plasma and lazy boy stopped working, dammit.
  3. J

    Disco 2 How do I stop internal lights coming on?

    Well, yeah probably! I was wondering if it's a setting thing which I can adjust, or worst case something I can adjust using diagnostics software. I should have been more clear! Yes I am handy with a pair of wire cutters but that's a last resort, as I am a bit too handy :D
  4. J

    Disco 2 How do I stop internal lights coming on?

    I went to shoot some rabbits last night on friend's fields. I have 3 internal lights, front, rear seats and boot. I can turn off front with switch, but not sure how (or if poss) to stop rear two coming on when doors open. Is there a way? thanks
  5. J

    Disco 2 Noisy replacement ACE pipes from Britpart

    Thanks Andy. Yes I cut the crimp part out of the old pipes and found the 'attentuator', quite clever really. From what I have heard, Land Rover first fitted ACE systems without them, then got noise/whine complaints and then developed and retrofitted the attenuators to take care of the issue...
  6. J

    Disco 2 Noisy replacement ACE pipes from Britpart

    I heard of that, quite neat. So did you have to get your valve block drilled/tapped for hydraulic fittings etc?
  7. J

    Disco 2 Noisy replacement ACE pipes from Britpart

    D2BC - never been on there but might do that thanks Original pipe - was fine til today when i cut it open to have a looksee!! Got some third hand response from *hitpart, they say no their hoses don't have attenuator fitted. Some comment about "it''s copyrighted by Land Rover". Maybe true...
  8. J

    Disco 2 Noisy replacement ACE pipes from Britpart

    I have spent a lot of money on my D2 over the past month or two. As we had the chassis dropped we replaced the ACE pipes and rear brake pipes. ACE pipes were badly corroded and ready to give up. We couldn't get genuine LR pipes so had to get Britpart ones. The ACE unit was carefully cleaned...
  9. J

    Will Biodiesel knacker my TD5?

    Yep, exactliy! I definitely wouldn't go down the "just thin it with a bit of petrol" route which I hear a fair bit. Not to say it can't work, I might try it in a tractor or old green laner, but not on the only road going vehicle I have, which already costs enough to keep running (and hole-free!)...
  10. J

    Will Biodiesel knacker my TD5?

    Going by what you've said above, it sounds like it's just a hang out for "conspiracy theorists" and the mentally ill. Maybe I should take a look after all, I'll obviously fit right in :). I wonder if Nodge is in there, maybe there's a thread about the global conspiracy of OPEC. I hope so, as I...
  11. J

    Will Biodiesel knacker my TD5?

    Useful comment thanks. I have heard this a few times now, trouble is you can't know how "polished" their Bio was, some people call some pretty mucky stuff "biodiesel", others are anal and want something as pure as snow. That said, it might take more balls than I have to risk my TD5 even with...
  12. J

    Will Biodiesel knacker my TD5?

    Not a clue what you're on about, but I note your avoidance of any of the specifics, much as expected. Your first suggestion to me was to see a psychiatrist, suggesting I am mentally ill (as is a close relative of mine, nice one). So forgive me if your 'suggestions' aren't likely to have a great...
  13. J

    Will Biodiesel knacker my TD5?

    He he. Spent a bit too long sniffing that cow 5hit eh? Whilst you don't warrant it, I will respond 'as if' you are at least capable of rational thought, never mind behaviour... (I know you're not, but it's good to remain positive isn't it?) You have no rational arguments, that's why you have...
  14. J

    Will Biodiesel knacker my TD5?

    Thanks, I will try not to bump into you coming out. If you have a rational argument any time, do let me know. ;)
  15. J

    Will Biodiesel knacker my TD5?

    Crikey. Steady. OPEC? Yeah, kill em for all I care. But which major industry do you know of that isn't run by a cabal of masonic elitist satanic fu*ks? After what we have just been through, today's global evil is far from oil, it's big pharma, big government, big power and tyranny, in my...
  16. J

    Will Biodiesel knacker my TD5?

    Choice? Of course not. What the hell do you want one of those for? You just do as you're told you pleb. Sorry, I was just imagining I was one of the elite working towards the demise of the cumbustion engine so we are all on foot or horseback, economies collapse, we starve, OR accept global...
  17. J

    Will Biodiesel knacker my TD5?

    Haha. Khunt. Couldn't agree more. Piece of ****en human trash. "Just make sure you polish the end product well and your good to go" - If that's true I should look at it with the way things are going. Just nervous, spent enough on my bloody Disco (and yet more to spend for chassis replacement)...
  18. J

    Will Biodiesel knacker my TD5?

    Well today I got a source for waste veg oil, quite a reliable one hopefully. So might consider dragging the processor out and christening it after all! Funny, I thought I would get more comments on this thread, I guessed there'd be copious amounts of thrifty landy drivers running around on...
  19. J

    Freelander 1 Should Freelander wheels touch the edge of drums?

    Well as usual Nodge is correct! I forgot about this, my son used the wheels without spacers since i posted this thread (which means the car has moved about 200 yards a few times across field!), and today he fitted new front pads. Oops, car won't move. After a while scratching heads, bleeding...