1. Jonlocke1

    Hello from Germany

    Hey and welcome!
  2. Jonlocke1


    This is landyzone... of course you should upgrade to a defender! Just up your maintenance budget slightly..
  3. Jonlocke1

    Pics of the beast

    Looks super nice!
  4. Jonlocke1

    Hi everyone..

    Hey and welcome!
  5. Jonlocke1

    Quick one to introduce myself.

    Hey and welcome!
  6. Jonlocke1

    hi guys

    Hey and welcome!
  7. Jonlocke1

    Once again LR owner...

    They always come back! Welcome back.
  8. Jonlocke1

    Hello There

    Hey and welcome!
  9. Jonlocke1

    Introducing myself.

    Ah good to know. Would have probably paid for itself in the last year with the amount of diagnoses I’ve needed!
  10. Jonlocke1


    Hello and welcome!
  11. Jonlocke1

    New D2 owner

    Hello and welcome to D2 ownership!
  12. Jonlocke1

    Just thought I’d introduce myself

    That’s a super nice disco 4!! Can I ask how much you bought it for / how much the upgrades have been approx? Thinking of upgrading from a disco2 in the next year or two.
  13. Jonlocke1

    Introducing myself

    Hey and welcome!
  14. Jonlocke1

    Hello from Cambridgeshire

    Hey and welcome!
  15. Jonlocke1

    Lost my keys please help

    Seems pretty suspicious to me
  16. Jonlocke1


    Welcome mate! This forums just for introducing yourself to best to head over to the RR forum.
  17. Jonlocke1


    Welcome buddy!
  18. Jonlocke1


    Welcome mate! Get some pics up!
  19. Jonlocke1

    New to Landyzone

    Welcome mate! You’ve certainly put my impulsive decisions in perspective. Brave man!
  20. Jonlocke1

    Introducing myself.

    Welcome Ash! How much was the nanocom?